100 Ways to Get the Male God

#1299 of the modern blood family (24)


The young Demon King was stunned for a moment, staring at the girl in front of him with his eyes down, but after a short period of stunnedness, a sense of absurdity and humor appeared in his heart.

How dare a mere slave speak like that?

Anroius thought so in his heart, but his eyes couldn't help falling on the girl's lips.

His heart beat a little faster, but he hooked up his thin red lips, and said in a low voice, "I got the password for you, but you questioned me?"

"My task is not to get the final password... It's not a password, it's an initial order, so I can do it myself without your help." Yu Chu denied the other party's help without changing his face.

The identity of the original owner is just an ordinary agent in the Secret Service, so she is only sent to get the initial instructions for the important matter of the arsenal. With the instructions, you can try to crack the password program. \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

There was a hint of playfulness in the vampire's brows and eyes, and the slender figure stood lazily, being slammed by the girl with one hand.

He was too lazy to speak, suddenly stretched out his slender and pale fingers, grabbed the girl's waist, and picked her up easily and neatly, without making any sound, the two of them exchanged positions easily.

His movements were elegant and agile, but Yu Chu didn't react, so he was pushed against the wall of the wardrobe.


She was about to stand up in astonishment, but the young man in front of her had already turned her face down, her pale index finger raised her chin, her thin lips that were as red as blood, revealing an elegant and bizarre sensuality, caught her off guard and kissed him.

Yu Chu's eyes widened, her lips were bitten between her thin lips, and those wine-red pupils smudged into a light in front of her eyes, like wine through a luminous glass.

The young and elegant gentleman boy put one hand on the back wardrobe wall, like tasting fine wine, his lips covered her shallowly, and he licked the tip of his red tongue, and a hint of intoxication appeared in his red eyes.

The girl was covered and kissed, but she was suddenly angry - even more angry than being interrupted when the task was almost completed. She was molested? He was even kissed back!

In the small space, she immediately reached out and slashed at the slender back of the young man's neck, but was easily grabbed by the wrist, crossed it, and pressed it on top of her head.

Yu Chu immediately raised her leg to kick again, but the opponent's height and long legs suppressed her so that she could not move at all.

In the short but fierce confrontation, his lips never left, and even his eyelashes trembled slightly, and he slowly went deeper in, his breath intertwined.

Yu Chu felt that the oxygen was not enough, his whole body softened, and his eyes were stained with mist.

The young man noticed her softened body, so he relaxed the suppression slightly, and his pale and slender fingers clasped her weak hand and gently pressed against the sides of her body.

He stopped after biting for a while, and moved away a little, staring at her with his long eyelashes lowered.

Yu Chu was finally able to take a deep breath, while breathing slightly, he raised his eyes and glared at him fiercely.

The pale and delicate nobleman, but his lips are bright red and moist, and his eyes are lowered like a smile, but he looks like a gentle gentleman, but also reveals a sense of lazy rogue.

He narrowed his eyes, his pupils became a little darker, the tip of his tongue pressed against the outline of the exposed small fangs, and then he licked his lips again, his expression almost bewitching.

Yu Chu took a breath, controlled himself with difficulty, looked away from that face, and stopped looking at him.


Still in the morning. good night

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