100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 129 The school grass boyfriend is a ghost (1)


Outside the empty villa.

The night silently enveloped the earth, and on the grass on both sides of the road, wet and heavy dewdrops bent the grass blades.

The villa halfway up the mountain looked a little gloomy on this night when only cicadas and wind could be heard.

Yu Chu swallowed his saliva and said with difficulty, "Is he, he, he really in there?"

The system affirmed, "Yes."

"You you didn't lie to me?"

"...Why am I lying to you, host." The system seemed a little helpless. "This time, the adult's situation is special, so I can sense it in advance. Don't be a coward."

"Whoever is cowardly."

Yu Chu's calf trembled, his hand holding the flashlight shook a few times, and he took a deep breath.

The cold, moist air inhaled into the lungs at night, chilling the whole body.

At the same time as my mind was clear, I was also… even more afraid.

Yu Chu only felt that he wanted to cry but had no tears.

No one has lived in this villa for half a month.

With no lights on, the entire villa was pitch black, like a vicious beast, quietly crawling under the night.

Yu Chu took a step and walked towards it.

She bit the small flashlight in her mouth and climbed carefully over the railing into the garden.

Gradually see the main body of the villa, the artificial lake with a wooden bridge, has been connected to the beautiful house.

At the entrance is a glass door unlocked by fingerprints, so clean and tidy that people can be reflected in the night.

Retro-style street lights are on outside the door.

Yu Chu swallowed his saliva.

It would be great if Nima had a bullet screen, the bullet screen protector, and the haunted house can also make netizens complain very funny.

The door wasn't closed, it was just hidden.

It was pitch black inside.

Yu Chu was about to cry, but thinking of Ludwig's guarantee from the previous plane - in another world, he would absolutely love her just as well. Yu Chu relied on this to cheer himself up, gritted his teeth, and stepped into the house.

The flashlight illuminates a small stretch of road below, and the wider area is hidden in the darkness.

Yu Chu was cold all over, staring at the road under his feet and saw some broken glass bottle slag and some blood.

She knew whose blood it was.

The owner of this villa died mysteriously half a month ago, in the living room of the house.

Nima is so scared QaQ

She held her breath unconsciously, walked through an indoor corridor, and gradually came to the living room.

The body has of course been removed, but since the case has not yet been solved, the scene has remained undisturbed.

From a distance, Yu Chu could see that the living room was not entirely dark, but there was a faint hint of light.

She shook her legs and walked over almost stiffly.

It's the light of the TV.

The screen is exactly the picture of the news channel, and the host's steady voice has no fluctuations:

"It is reported that Mr. Ji, a well-known entrepreneur in my country, was buried at home for no reason, and there were many wounds on his body, which were suspected to be caused by scratching. The police extracted fingernails and saliva from Mr. Ji's wounds. After inspection, these substances belonged to Mr. Ji himself. The relevant reasons are still under further investigation…”


Yu Chu swallowed again.

There was a sticky touch under her feet, and she didn't need to look to know that she accidentally stepped on a large pool of blood.

In his heart, he told the system to erase his traces, Yu Chu raised his feet stiffly, and suddenly heard someone behind him snort softly.

She froze and turned back slowly.

——What caught my eye was not a terrifying picture.

The young man sat by the window, his long legs folded at will, his pale but delicate face, reflecting the snow in the moonlight, was so beautiful that it did not look like a real person.

Indeed... not human.

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