100 Ways to Get the Male God

#1306 modern blood family (31)


Yu Chu was not too afraid of alien creatures like the blood race, and accepted the task calmly.

Regular blood races have signed agreements with the Secret Service and cannot interfere with human life. But in addition to these vampires who abide by the protocol, there are other uncontrolled vampires, which are very dangerous.

Only senior agents in the bureau will be sent out to perform tasks related to aliens.

The original owner did not have enough authority in the Secret Service Bureau, but last time at the cocktail party, he got a different look from the Demon Party King, and the Secret Service Bureau and the Secret Party attached great importance to this.

Since the Demon King seems to be favoring her, it is necessary for her to know and understand about alien races.

The vampire in the theme park is uncontrollable and difficult to deal with, and this is also the test of the Secret Service.

They didn't expect the agent to subdue the vampire, as long as she could come back alive, she would pass the test.

Of course Yu Chu knew that the Secret Service didn't care about her at all, but in the same way, she was not stupid and had no plans to work hard for the Secret Service.

Some tourists have gathered in front of the theme park, and they are eager to try it out.

This kind of project is a test of people's psychological quality. Some girls obviously don't want to play, but under the encouragement of friends, they still line up and are ready to buy tickets.

The park is very popular on weekdays, but there is an area in it that is not open to the public.

And that area is the mission area.

It is said that there is a blood clan hidden in it.

The news was not released to the public so as not to cause panic. In fact, except for a few high-level political leaders, including the Secret Service, other ordinary humans living on Earth do not know the existence of aliens.

That area was sealed, and the uncontrolled vampire inside could not come out, but it was still a huge security risk for the Secret Service.

Before Yu Chu came, he explained to the children at home that he should not cook dinner for himself, and told him that he must never go out alone.

Little Anluo also agreed well.

Yu Chu just left, and went to the park with Yili, disguised as an ordinary student and bought a ticket.

A position is specially circled on the ticket, indicating that tourists are absolutely not allowed to enter.

Yu Chu glanced at the position above, turned his head to look at Yili, and there was a slight banter in his smile.

Yi Li was stared at by her eyes and couldn't help but whisper, "Why do you want to partner with me?"

There was a hint of resentment in her voice.

The last time the matter was exposed, she was swayed by Yu Chu, and was given to her by a middle-aged man that night...

Thinking back to that night, Yi Li's eyes were full of disgust, and she wanted to slash Yu Chu thousands of times.

She immediately reported to her superiors, saying that Agent 023 had a dangerous move out of the control of the Secret Service during the operation. It was originally just a small report, but in that operation, No. 023, just because of the ambiguity of the Demon King, made the Secret Service suspicious.

Therefore, the Secret Service did not hesitate to let them perform S-level missions and fight against the blood clan alone.

This is a test of loyalty and competence.

But it's none of my business at all! Why did you come here to accompany No. 023 to his death?

Facing Yili's hateful eyes, Yu Chu casually pushed her back, pushed her into the door, and said lightly, "Don't worry, you are very useful."


Yili couldn't tell what was wrong with this sentence, but she was so angry that she took a few deep breaths.

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