100 Ways to Get the Male God

#1327 of the modern blood family (52)


It was Yu Chu who was suffering now.

She seemed to hear the sound of blood sliding in the blood vessels. The blood of the blood clan in front of her was not hot, but a little cold. The light breath sprinkled on the skin, which stimulated the place where he was biting, the more numb he was.

She frowned and moved her body slightly, and the boy's breathing became a little unsteady. He stuck out the tip of his tongue and licked the wound, feeling the girl's stiffness, and then hooked his lips into a slightly successful smile.

"Ready?" he asked.

Yu Chu frowned, "What..."

"Accept me." Anrolios answered briskly and confidently. He held the girl's waist and let her slide down a little. His wine-red eyes narrowed comfortably. Although his face was crimson, his eyes full of interest were completely It's another thing, "Let's get started."

Yu Chu flinched a little, after all, the little cutie in every world is a bit scary in this matter. She covered the boy's lips, "We are in the tent..."

Well...they're in tents.

Travel is not a casual talk. After the negotiation and signing of the agreement, the two began to travel around the world. And the two of them, one is a special agent with martial arts, and the other is the majesty of the blood clan, and they have never encountered danger along the way.

Not far from here is a small town, and the two came here to set up a tent purely because they heard that there was a shooting star tonight. Yu Chu didn't want to be in the tent when the meteor shower came...

She tried her best to persuade, "Remember what we came for? You can't stop watching meteors because of this, right?"

"Why not?" Anrolios didn't think the meteor shower was important at all, but when he met the girl's eyes, he pursed his lips and nodded, "Okay... I'll call you when the meteor starts."

Just as Yu Chu breathed a sigh of relief, the boy's slender lips were covered, and he untied her clothes neatly, and his fingers touched the buttons of her underwear behind her back.

It was too late for Yu Chu to stop it. Anrolios was very curious about this matter, and now his state has basically stabilized. If it wasn't for safety, he would not have chosen to endure for a few more days.

The girl gasped lowly, and the vampire boy kissed her lips comfortingly, "I'll call you."


His silver long poured down, like the flowing moonlight, the soft bed under him eased Yu Chu's tension, Anluolis took her hand and kissed, the blood race's body temperature was always low, he squinted the wine The red and beautiful eyes, and the first crystal beads of sweat appeared on the white forehead, indicating the scorching temperature of the master's body.

The usually obedient and well-behaved teenager was arrogant and domineering at this time. Yu Chu bit her lip to avoid her whimper, and the sweat was sticking to her neck. She endured it for a while, and finally breathed lowly.

When the pleasure was almost dead, the young man suddenly slowed down softly, his slender and pale fingers tugged at her chin, his voice was hoarse and low, bit by bit: "The meteor has begun. Want to see it?"

Yu Chu gasped and was speechless.

To facilitate opened the quilt to wrap the two of them, carried her to the door, opened it a little, and made her look up.


Yu Chu swore that he didn't want to watch such an erotic meteor shower. Her slender legs wrapped around the boy's waist, hugging his neck, her breathing weakened slightly, and the other party's voice was still cold and sweet: "Does it look good?"

The girl finally punched him hard, gritted her teeth and said, "Shut it up! I don't want to see it!"

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