100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1330 Heartbeat under the stethoscope (2)


The driver pressed the button and switched from entertainment news to other songs. Pop music from the 1980s played in the car, and the driver's uncle hummed along with it.

"Little girl, you live in Jingren Garden. It's a place where every inch of land is expensive. The house price is so expensive..." The driver is obviously a familiar and enthusiastic middle-aged man. Chatted with new passengers.

Yu Chu smiled meaningfully and didn't explain much.

The car stopped at a traffic light, and Yu Chu closed his eyes after more than 40 seconds of red light.

This time the original owner is a star.

But it's a star with black material flying all over the sky.

Alcoholism, fights, promiscuous boyfriends, hitting members of same-sex girl groups, disrespecting seniors...

Countless black stuff.

It's just that none of these black materials are true. \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

But in this society, apart from fans, who cares about the black stuff? As long as there are melons to eat and someone to spray, most people are satisfied.

And this time the task is to fight a turnaround for the original owner and get back up from the bottom.

Although the original owner's personality is carefree, he is also cowardly. He was sprayed on the Internet to be disheartened, and he met a few friends who were alcoholic and meaty.

Now, it doesn't matter whether the previous black material is true or not, because drug use is true, so the public should take it for granted that the previous black material is true.

The day before the police came, the original owner committed suicide by swallowing sleeping pills at home. Because of the long-term Internet violence, she has severe depression herself, and she only relies on sleeping pills to fall asleep at night, and even needs a relatively large dose.

The drug she later used was marijuana, which was less severe than other drugs, but still a drug.

After realizing that she was addicted to drugs, she broke down and thought about suicide, but the unwillingness in her heart made her hold on. She had contacted the doctor and wanted to get rid of the drug addiction through treatment, but she did not know who put the drug addicts behind. The news was released, and when she successfully detoxed, she saw the overwhelming scolding on the Internet...

Because of the drug use, the untrue black materials in the past, including the fake news that spread rumors about her, seemed to be real and believable in an instant.

She has become a drug addict, unspoken rules, thousands of sins... an unforgivable actress.

The indignant netizens didn't just let her get out of the entertainment industry, they told her not to waste air alive.

So she couldn't take it anymore and she committed suicide.

When she died, her face was not haggard and pale, but her eyes were serenely closed, just like her age, pure white, flawless and beautiful.

Perhaps this photo released by the police station before his death has aroused the sympathy of some people. A wave of people on the Internet began to complain, saying that the original owner was indeed heinous, but he was definitely not at the point of dying.

They say keyboard warrior killed her.

Another part of the people disagreed. They believed that words could not kill people. They just told the original owner to die because the original owner was not able to bear it psychologically. If you let her die, she would really die. Can't blame anyone else.

Therefore, even if the original owner died, he was still in the heated discussions and abuses of netizens.

And those truths never surfaced.

So most people don't know. She was a beautiful girl at the same age as a flower.

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