100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 132 The school grass boyfriend is a ghost (4)


All right.

Yu Chu gritted his teeth.

She was already sure that this person was playing with her.


Thinking of the boy's dark childhood before her arrival, and finally, the stillness and despair of dying...

A hint of distress flashed in her eyes, and she sighed slightly in her heart.

Played a few times, nothing.

As long as he is happy.

It's all to blame for this dead mission, and I can't arrive in this world earlier. It's better to come here when Ji Chen is a child. She can secretly take him away and spoil him all the time, so that people can grow up safely and happily.

She looked at the boy's face, hesitated, and whispered, "Then... are you still here?"

The young man looked at her, tilted his head and bent his eyes, revealing the small dimples on his fair cheeks, "No, of course I am..."

He suddenly leaned over and said with a smile:

"Following you."

The scent of light fragrance blows on the face with a slight coolness. Yu Chu blinked, suddenly seemed to realize something, widened his eyes and said in surprise:

"I think I can still meet you..."

The system didn't say that!

She tentatively reached out to Ji Chen.

"You... try to touch me?"

The young man lowered his eyes slightly, stretched out his fair and slender fingers, and lightly touched the palm of her outstretched hand.

At the moment when the cold and the warm contact, it seems that there is a tremor deep in the soul, and it suddenly comes.

Everyone was stunned.

Yu Chu quickly asked the system, "What's the situation?"

The system said, "This time the adult is in a state of soul. You can meet him because of your soul, so it can be said to be a communication of souls haha!"


#What's the matter with inexplicable unreliability#

The young man withdrew his hand, looked at his white palm with an inexplicable meaning, and then turned his gaze to the girl. Seeing her open eyes, obviously thinking about other things, suddenly felt strangely unhappy in her heart.

He suddenly stretched out his hand to hold her wrist, the cold temperature made the girl snap back to her senses, and she blinked to look at him. He was the only one in those dark eyes.

The teenager pursed his lips and smiled, his beautiful pupils were shining, his tone was clear and gentle:

"Let's go?"

"Oh... oh, let's go."

The girl replied quickly, the flashlight turned around in a random circle, and held his hand instead, shrinking her body towards him, "Let's go, get out of here first."

The teenager rolled his eyes, "I'm the ghost, what do you mean by hiding behind me?"

"Atmosphere, do you understand the atmosphere, you're not scary, the atmosphere is too scary." Yu Chu rolled his eyes at him, then remembered that this ghost was his target, not only was he unfamiliar now, but he had to coax him nicely, so He quickly changed the subject, trying to make him forget the roll of his eyes.

"Go to my house, but my house is small, and the bed in my room is also small... Oh, you don't need to sleep, right?"

She looked at Ji Chen.

The boy's expression paused slightly, as if he didn't really notice her white eyes just now, the petal-like thin lips were still raised in a good mood, and the voice was sloppy and bad:

"Well, who knows? The other ghosts probably don't need to sleep, but now I think..."

He blinked, his long eyelashes trembled, pursed his lips and smiled:

"So sleepy. What should I do?"


Okay, Yu Chu is sure.

This is a bear child...

No wonder girls only dare to hand over love letters. After all, bear children love to play tricks, and it is risky to confess in person...

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