100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1344 Heartbeat under the stethoscope (16)


After moving into Dr. Jiang's house, Yu Chu was very satisfied.

In this way, it will not delay her completing the task, and you can get along day and night... At any time, flirt with the little cutie.

Moreover, Dr. Jiang is too gentle, quiet and graceful, which is really uncontrollable.

Not to mention that he doesn't like to go out to eat, so he must wash his hands and cook by himself every meal. Yu Chu was not too embarrassed to eat at first, but then he couldn't stand Dr. Jiang's gentle invitation and completely fell in love with the other party's cooking skills.

Today, I'm going to the show team to participate in the shooting of the poster. After the end, there may be a dinner party. When Yu Chu changed his shoes and went out, he said hello casually: "That's right, Dr. Jiang, I may not be back tonight."

Jiang Yan was also about to go out.

He was standing in front of the cabinet at the entrance, tying cufflinks to the white shirt on his wrist. Hearing this, Dr. Jiang's movements stopped for a moment, and the expensive and cold cufflinks circled between his fair fingers, and he smiled gracefully.

The eyelashes drooping from the lens are long and slender, he calmly fastens the cufflinks: "What's the matter?"

Yu Chu didn't want to say more. After all, Dr. Jiang didn't watch entertainment programs and didn't know her, so she casually smiled and said, "It's nothing, it's a private matter."

When he was done, he jumped out of the house refreshed.

Jiang Yan stood behind him.

He saw that the girl seemed to have specially matched the clothes today, and also painted light makeup, not heavy, and described her already good-looking face a little more beautifully.

He squinted his eyes, and then lightly took off his gold-wire glasses. The man's delicate appearance was beautiful and cold.


After Yu Chu arrived at the program group, he was taken to the room where the posters were filmed.

Because it is a reasoning show, the filming of the poster also uses detective elements, such as magnifying glass, detective notes, and the popular Sherlock Holmes coat, plus a pipe, it is easy to create an atmosphere of suspense and solving cases.

The three who came first waved to her in a friendly manner.

The show is a five-person team detective. Except for Yu Chu, the other four are a calm uncle, a bouncing little loli, and a funny teenager.

Finally, there is an enemy of the original owner.

Yu Chu looked around, but didn't see the woman.

Little Loli rushed over excitedly, "Wow! Sister Chu Chu, you are my idol!"

Yu Chu knew that this child was a young but talented violinist and a musical genius.

I didn't expect that she would like the original owner.

After all, the original owner's reputation is not very good.

Yu Chu smiled politely at her, condoned the group photo with a good temper, and then went to say hello to the other two.

There are a lot of black materials about her from the outside world, but in this face-to-face, she left a very good impression on several people.

They waited for the last person together.

The young man couldn't help but leaned over and asked with a small smile, "Sister Chu Chu, I was on Weibo today, and the headline said you've changed boyfriends again, is that true?"

Little Loli also put her head close.

Yu Chu: "..."

The original owner had too much gossip, and the children were naturally curious. This teenager is a little fresh meat who has acted in many TV dramas recently, but he is still studying at university.

It's an early debut. It is precisely because he is relatively young that he has a lively and cheerful personality. When he sees the protagonist of the gossip center at this time, he can't help but ask.

Yu Chu thought for a while, thinking of Dr. Jiang who washes his hands and makes soup every day at home, squinted his eyes and nodded cheerfully, "Well, I have a boyfriend."

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