100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1353 Heartbeat under the stethoscope (25)


He casually opened the girl's barrage channel.

After the golden wire lens, Dr. Jiang's eyes fell on the hands of the girl and the little loli, and the ink blue eyes narrowed unconsciously, and then moved away lightly.

He lowered his head and continued to read the documents quietly.

There was chatter on the barrage, and Yu Chu's channel quickly became lively. She glanced down at her phone, just in time to see the "Hold Me, Take Me" barrage, and raised her eyebrows with a smile: "Come here, come to me Just take it."

At the same time, she also waved to the camera position.

The owner of the barrage suddenly shouted: "Reply to me! She sees me!"

Others expressed their envy and jealousy, and some noticed the girl's hands, with long fingers in white gloves, and a slender and beautiful skeleton.

So the topic went awry in an instant.

"Ah, Miss Sister's hands look so good!"\u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

"Agree upstairs, I can play this hand for a year!"

"Hand play year plus one."

"plus one……"

"Oooooo, I really want to hold the young lady!"

The bullet screen kept scrolling, Yu Chu lowered his head and concentrated on studying the mirror, Little Loli stood on the side and waited obediently, Jiang Yan looked up at the bullet screen from the gap between looking at the document, then he was slightly startled and narrowed his eyes.

The barrage army continued to howl uncontrollably, admiring the beauty of Miss Sister's face and hands, and some even said, "I really want to lick it".

In celebrity fandom, this kind of talk is very common.

Licking the screen, licking the face and licking the hands.

Jiang Yan narrowed his eyes slightly, his expression didn't change much, he was still gentle and calm, and he couldn't tell his mood.

He reached out his hand lightly, pushed the document aside, leaned back on the chair, and stared intently at the screen. \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

After studying the mirror, the girl seemed to have found some clues. She glanced at the barrage and saw the audience's love for her hands. She blinked, as if remembering something, tilted her head and smiled, and said, "Hands? I know a person, and his hands are very good-looking... people are also good-looking. I can bring it to you in the next show."

When she said this, the audience couldn't help but look forward to it.

But expectations are not high.

Everyone knows that variety shows require amateurs to be brought in, but when ordinary amateurs appear, the effect of variety shows is not good, so everyone is somewhat against this rule.

What's more, the people who come are all elites in the industry, and some of them are awkward to get along with celebrities.

So the audience's only expectation is the hands and looks mentioned by Yu Chu. After all, her own are already good-looking enough, and everyone naturally expects to see better ones.

The topic passed by in a flash.

Jiang Yan's expressionless expression eased slightly.

It's not the first time he's been praised for being good-looking, but only this time he feels a little bit happy. The seemingly non-existent hookup before is not in vain. He thought thoughtfully.

In the secret room of the live broadcast, Yu Chu quickly cracked the first secret room. After the clue is placed in the mirror, some handwriting can be seen under the light source, which corresponds to a combination lock. A few people found a combination box in the room, they successfully opened the door, took out the key, and entered the next room.

The first chamber is very simple.

But there is also the atmosphere that it should have, and the audience gradually immersed in the atmosphere of the show.

The second secret room was even darker. The paintings on the wall were terrifying. Yu Chu followed Xiao Xianrou into the secret room. The young man backed away in fright. Yu Chu reached out to support him, frowning, "What's wrong?"

The teenager pushed her forward, hid behind her, and said with a bitter face, "Can I follow you?"

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