100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 135 The school grass boyfriend is a ghost (7)


When sitting in the classroom, Yu Chu was expressionless.

Everyone was deceived by the bear children. Although this school grass has a beautiful face, most of the time he is cold and handsome, and occasionally he is soft and cute like a child...


In his heart, there is no, more, yellow, violent!

Thinking of him looking straight at him, with a smile in his voice, and slowly describing what he wanted to do... Yu Chu's ears couldn't help but turn red.

In the original owner's memory, the school grass Jichen was not like this.

What impressed the original owner most was the uncoordinated movements of a group of boys on the playground during the morning exercise in winter. Only the slender teenager stood lazily outside the team, with his hands tucked into his pockets, his eyes light and careless. , and cool and cold.

The cultural and sports committee member in his class is a girl, and he always entrusts him with the task of monitoring morning exercises.

Only in this way, every morning, there is an excuse to talk, in exchange for a boy's raised eyes, lazily saying that he knows.

In the impression of the girls, Ji Chen is not cold. Teenagers sometimes laugh, and the beautiful corners of their eyes and brows are young and wanton. But he was very difficult to get close to.

It's hard. He has no friends at all.

From these fragmentary memories, what was pieced together is a heart-warming pure white teenager, not an invincible hooligan with a violent heart.

Yu Chu thought expressionlessly.

Just in time for the rearrangement of seats this week, Ji Chen sat lazily on the seat next to her.

Everyone who passed by felt a chill inexplicably, and their bodies were one step faster than their brains, and they avoided there subconsciously.

After the whole class was seated, Yu Chu sat in the middle and front, and the empty seats beside him were very noticeable.

The head teacher looked around for a week, and pointed to the students behind him strangely, "Zhou Yang, don't you have bad eyes, there is a seat here, Lin Ying, what are you doing in the back, won't the front block you? Who are you here? , sit forward."

The students who were named all shrank their heads, "It's okay, teacher, it's good to sit here."

"...Okay." The head teacher looked at the students strangely, and finally nodded.

Yu Chu's side was empty.

She glanced at the seat next to her, the smiling boy lying on the desk, a little helpless.

She took a post-it note from the drawer and wrote on the note: This is not good, it is too conspicuous to sit like this.

The boy sat up, the black pieces covering half of his eyebrows, and his voice was lazy: "What's wrong, I think it's good. Do you want to share the table with others?"

His dark and beautiful eyes stared at her, and the corners of his thin lips smiled, but under the delicate and beautiful smile, Yu Chu could clearly see the threat.

She shook her head wisely and wrote on the paper: I don't want to be at the table with anyone, it's good to sit with you.

The young man smiled with satisfaction, his paler face in the sun drew closer, the ends of his eyelashes were light gold, and he blew a breath behind her ear: "Talk to me."

The head teacher was talking on the podium. It was a common motivational speech in the third year of high school. The class was silent. How could Yu Chu speak at this time.

She looked straight ahead, her hand gently twisted Ji Chen's waist under the table, signaling to stop making trouble.

The people around him laughed.

He wrapped around her, wrapped his slender and fair hands around her waist, his thin lips brushed against her face, opened his lips to hold her earlobe, and rubbed his snow-white teeth lightly.

Yu Chu froze all over, and his eyelashes trembled.

……This guy!

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