100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1371 Heartbeat under the stethoscope (43)


Yu Chu has never had a time when she realized so clearly that she couldn't hold on to this person.

Because the other party's slight movements softened into a ball, it is probably impossible for this plane to shake his wife's gang...

She grabbed each other with tears in her eyes, gritted her teeth and endured his slow torture. Every minute seemed extremely long, and the beauty didn't mean to stop at all, and the slightly dumb and seductive gasp was close to her ears.

It was no use begging for mercy over and over again. Dr. Jiang gently bit her earlobe and suddenly said, "I promised not to lie to you. There is something else I need to confess to you."

The girl stared at him tearfully.

Jiang Yan's eyes are gentle, except for the indistinct lust in his pupils, he still looks gentle and noble, and he can't see that he is doing animal things.

"Actually, I'm not afraid of the dark," he said.


"There's no power outage either. When I go out, I put a time delay on the meter, so the lights will go out at that time."

The beautiful voice is gentle.


Seeing the girl with tears in her eyes, he smiled softly, moved more slowly, and asked in a hoarse and bewitching voice, "Forgive me?"

Yu Chu bit the quilt and did not speak.

Dr. Jiang lowered his eyes slightly, tortured her slowly, and asked peacefully, "Forgive me?"

He seemed extremely patient, but he also slowly and accurately grinded on the girl's sensitive nerves, and finally let the other party let go with a crying voice, "Original... Forgive."

Jiang Yan stared at her for a while, his eyes soft.

Yu Chu's voice became hoarse.

... This fact made her very stupefied.

She has been very patient, but some things can't be held back. When she has no time to think, naturally she can't free her mind to control herself.

...a shame. Shame!

She fell headlong into the quilt.

When Dr. Jiang walked into the room, he saw the bulging dumplings in the quilt. He smiled good-naturedly, walked over and sat beside the bed, and said gently, "Can't you get up?"

A muffled voice came from the quilt: "Go away."

Jiang Yan raised his eyebrows, a little helpless, and explained in a low voice: "I didn't do it on purpose. It's just a professional issue... Knowing so much, it's hard to forget."

The man under the quilt was silent.

Jiang Yan sighed, tugged at the quilt with his slender fingers, and coaxed people softly: "Don't be bored... Are you hungry? Get up and have some breakfast."


Compared with Dr. Jiang's gentle tone, she was like a willful and disobedient child. Yu Chu didn't want to appear childish, but there was no way! She is angry!

She was tossed to the point of hoarseness.

It's like someone who has always regarded himself as a straight man, but one day his girlfriend made him cry...

What a shameful level!

She burrowed in the quilt and didn't speak, Jiang Yan thought about it, and probably understood her mood. Her character is relatively calm and easygoing, and she will be soft-hearted when he is deliberately wronged, and she thinks that she will spoil her boyfriend as a girlfriend. It's no wonder that at this time, I don't want to see anyone in the quilt.

I don't know why, every little detail of her fell on his heart, and she looked extremely cute, even though Jiang Yan himself was a relatively strong character, he was very willing to put a soft tone, and said obediently: "I will listen to you in the future, I will listen to you. Not like that, okay?"

The quilt group moved.

The girl's eyes are still a little red. Not only was my voice hoarse yesterday, but I was also crying. Jiang Yan felt a little distressed, reached out and rubbed the top of her head warmly, "Get up and have breakfast."

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