100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1378 Heartbeat under the stethoscope (50)


There was a moment of silence.

The doctors and nurses even felt stunned, completely disbelieving the names she mentioned.

Although this girl has a generous and kind personality, her appearance as a bad girl is really incompatible with someone like Dr. Jiang.

And she came to the obstetrics and gynecology department to check her pregnancy! Could it be that he and Dr. Jiang are already living together?

how is this possible?

Why didn't Dr. Jiang accompany him?

Obviously, no one believed Yu Chu.

The little nurse also stared at her blankly.

Yu Chu frowned, a little funny, "Come on, let's just say that his girlfriend came to the hospital and is in the obstetrics and gynecology department."

The little nurse turned around subconsciously and ran away.

The young doctor stood aside, hesitated, and said in a low voice, "Girl, you have found the wrong person."\u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

"Huh?" Yu Chu raised his eyebrows.

The young man looked at her sympathetically and whispered: "Doctor Jiang is indeed higher than the director, you have heard of him, right? But you really can't ask him for help, especially if you are pretending to be someone's girlfriend... Even if Dr. Jiang I will help you, and I won't cooperate with lying."

Yu Chu: "..."

Jiang Meiren is really cold to others.

She had a good impression of this doctor, so she whispered to him, "Okay, thank you for reminding me."

When she spoke in a low voice, she was close, her eyes were clean and clear under her smoky makeup, the young doctor stared at it for a moment, blushing and hurriedly waved her hands.

Luo Qu'er on the opposite side has been a little uneasy.

Her first reaction was disbelief, but she immediately remembered what Dr. Jiang said that day—he admitted that he had a girlfriend, and the girl she had met looked like a bad girl. \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

Is it really...

She didn't want to lose face in front of Jiang Yan, she bit her lip subconsciously, caught a glimpse of the white body coming from the corner, and quickly stared at his expression.

Jiang Meiren followed the little nurse, her pace was still slow, her tie was strict and beautiful, her eyes behind the gold lenses fell on the girl, and there was no reaction at all.

Luo Qu'er breathed a sigh of relief.

Jiang Yan always had an air of elegance and calmness about him. He was still holding a folder on his elbow, and his other hand was lazily in his pocket, revealing the edge of his exquisite watch.

At first glance, he looked like a person with a high status, and even a strong man didn't dare to rush up immediately, just like treating other doctors, grabbing people's collars. Dr. Jiang's snow-white neckline is flat and beautiful, giving people a rigorous oppression.

He walked over without expression.

Everyone thought he was going to deny the girl's words, but after Jiang Meiren walked over without changing her face, her eyes stopped on her abdomen and asked, "Are you here to check the pregnancy?"

Yu Chu quickly waved his hand, "Just check."

"Why didn't you tell me in advance?" Jiang Yan looked at her smoky makeup with a slight smile on her thin lips, then reached out and wrapped her arms around her shoulders, putting her long and beautiful fingers on her shoulders. He raised his eyes to look at the big man beside him, and squinted, "Someone bullied you?"

Everyone looked at them blankly.

Looking at Jiang Meiren, who is like the flower of the high ridge in surgery, Wen Run embraced a bad girl with a pampered tone - and he didn't show any surprised expression when he heard that she came to check the pregnancy!

The two are naturally related...

For a time, everyone didn't know what expression to make in order to express the shock in their hearts...

Jiang Meiren, was just taken down like this? ?

Luo Qu'er's expression became more dull.

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