100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1382 Heartbeat under the stethoscope (54)


Until a long time later, thinking of this day, Sunny was extremely grateful that she made the right choice.

She escaped.

But the photos are still useful.

Holding the phone, she hurried back to the lounge, and accidentally bumped into Cheng Yingying, who frowned and said, "Be careful, what are you doing in such a hurry?"

Sunny calmed down, and according to the plan, lowered his voice and said nervously: "I'm sorry...I..."

She looked around and made sure that no one was there, so she took out her phone, showed Cheng Yingying the pictures, and whispered about Jiang Chuchu's pregnancy guess.

Cheng Yingying looked at the photo and was simply pleasantly surprised.

Jiang Chuchu's style is really disrespectful, otherwise why would so many handles come to the door?

"Go out, you must go out," she said.

Sunny was hesitant, "But no, it's all speculation and can't be spread."

Cheng Yingying was disdainful in her heart, but her expression was very patient, "She and you are both in the show group, and every time she is more out of the limelight than you, you don't want to squeeze her out? And these pictures are all facts, not just made up by you. , why not? You listen to me."

She wanted to get these pictures out, but she didn't want to get in trouble, so she tried her best to encourage sunny.

A cold light flashed in sunny's eyes, he lowered his head and hesitated for a while, then agreed: "Okay... okay."

The plan is proceeding in an orderly manner.

After a few days, Yu Chu went out to shoot a movie.

The name of the movie is "The Trick".

This is a low-cost thriller, and it didn't go through much publicity in the early stage, so everyone doesn't know much about it.

But Yu Chu's attention has always been high.

So when I heard that she was going to make a thriller, some topics appeared on the Internet, and most of them were not very friendly.

"I'm thinking of being popular and going crazy. Going to play a third-level thriller, is there a large-scale drama in it?"

"It's enough to rely on this blog."

"That's right, I thought that Jiang Chuchu had changed her nature, but I didn't expect that her nature was hard to change, and it didn't take long for her to become popular, and she died again, and the third-level thriller was also accepted?"


In the discordant voice, there are also fans who are angrily defending, but it has no effect.

Both the assistant and the manager were a little worried about Yu Chu's state, but unexpectedly, the girl browsed Weibo as usual every day, as if she hadn't seen those comments at all.

During the filming, the crew bumped into an idol drama filmed by Cheng Yingying, and Yu Chu also had a face-to-face with her.

The other party's attitude was obviously arrogant, and he didn't even want to talk to her, and left in a hug.

Yu Chu smiled vaguely.

After a few months of filming, and while waiting for the release, big news finally came out.

When the topic exploded, Yu Churen was on the plane, leaning on Dr. Jiang's shoulder and sleeping soundly.

After the filming, the beauty offered to go home to see her parents, and Yu Chu agreed after thinking about it.

No way to agree...

Facing Doctor Jiang, he could only cowardly.

As soon as he got off the plane, Yu Chu received a phone call from his agent, asking her where she was, and asking her to read the news on the Internet. The first headline was: #a well-known actress unmarried first pregnant private life disorder#.

Yu Chu smiled, and after comforting the agent, he happily followed Dr. Jiang home.

The domestic public opinion is controlled by sunny, she will know what happens, and she is very relieved.

After all, sunny was able to spread rumors only by the navy back then, which was enough to show her scheming and ability.

In response to Cheng Yingying's counterattack, it was completely opened.

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