100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1385 Heartbeat under the stethoscope (57)


Yu Chu looked at the couple in front of him and showed an embarrassed smile, "Hello, Uncle Jiang and Auntie."

Just thinking about how to get a good impression, the next second she saw that the beautiful woman immediately walked towards her, held hers with both hands, and said with a hint of surprise, "It's Ayan's girlfriend. ?"

She asked, and glanced at Jiang Yan again.

Dr. Jiang stood where he was, smiled slowly, and nodded to her.

Mother Jiang looked back at Yu Chu in shock. After being stunned for a while, she immediately showed a friendly smile, as if she had seen some rare treasure, and dragged her towards the sand, "Oh my God, Ayan called and told me, He brought his girlfriend back, I still don't believe it. Good boy, you must be tired when you come back with him?"

She turned her head and said to Father Jiang who was beside her, "Come on, bring some fruit to the child."

Yu Chu was stunned by this amazing intimacy, and looked back at Jiang Yan subconsciously.

Jiang Meiren stood in front of the table in white clothes and smiled at her, indicating that she was okay.

As expected, Father Jiang brought the fruit in person, and said to Yu Chu with a smile, "Hurry up and eat, you're exhausted."

Jiang Yan was left to one side by his parents, and he was not in any mood. He sat on the other side, picked up the apples in the fruit bowl, and cut them into small pieces with a knife.

Yu Chu took out the gift he brought.

Jiang's father and Jiang's mother were even more surprised.

Yu Chu also put some thought into choosing gifts, because the other party is a high-class person, so he can't give something that looks expensive but has no connotation.

She picked two bookmarks, and the workmanship and materials were impeccable. Jiang's father and mother were really surprised.

Obviously, the girl's eyes were very much to their appetite, and the couple looked at Yu Chu with more enthusiasm.

"Chuchu, tell Aunt Jiang, has Ayan ever bullied you? Don't be afraid, Aunt Jiang must be on your side. If Ayan bullies you, tell me and I will help you fix him." Jiang The mother took Yu Chu's hand with a smile and said warmly.

A slender and fair hand stretched out from the side, Jiang Yan put the cut fruit in front of Yu Chu, and said in a light voice: "Don't worry, I treat Chu Chu very well."

He said, raised his eyes slightly, his beautiful eyes looked at Yu Chu from behind the lens, pursed his lips and smiled, and asked warmly, "Is that so, Chu Chu?"

Yu Chu nodded quickly.

Mother Jiang and Father Jiang glanced at each other, but both saw surprise in each other's eyes.

They know Jiang Yan's character very well, and he actually cuts fruit for a girl by himself. No one has ever seen this kind of care and pampering... It seems that he likes this girl very much. Mother Jiang could understand the child's eyes, and those dark blue eyes were full of warmth.

Not his usual polite estrangement, but a genuine softness, almost overflowing with soft emotions.

The couple were relieved.

At the same time, he couldn't help being more enthusiastic about Yu Chu.

It was not until he returned to his room at night that Yu Chu finally breathed a sigh of relief. Jiang's father and Jiang's mother were still not at ease around her, and explained with a smile: "Ayan's room is monotonous, if you can't sleep well, just tell us that Aunt Jiang will choose a more comfortable bed for you, or if you want to talk to Aunt Jiang— "

Before he could finish speaking, Jiang Yan lightly took the person over and raised his eyebrows with a half-smiling smile: "Of course my girlfriend sleeps with me, do you even want to rob my daughter-in-law?"

He was obviously dissatisfied with what he said. Mother Jiang smiled at the two of them ambiguous, and pushed Father Jiang away.

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