100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1388 Heartbeat under the stethoscope (60)


Cheng Yingying has been enjoying the spring breeze in recent days.

It has been a few days since she posted the news, but the other party has never stood up.

This kind of disappearance, in addition to not refusing to refute rumors because of a guilty conscience, what else could it be for?

The public opinion on the Internet has fermented, and netizens are filled with righteous indignation, describing Jiang Chuchu as morally corrupt.

Cheng Yingying's mood will be much better when she flips through the comments in her spare time every day.

Her idol drama also aired.

Because of her sweet and beautiful appearance and the starring of another little fresh meat, the idol drama has gained good ratings, and she has become more famous in the idol world.

I don't know how much better than Jiang Chuchu acting in a thriller!

she thought triumphantly.

I was swiping Weibo with a trumpet in the lounge, and a new Weibo suddenly popped up among the people I followed. \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

Cheng Yingying was stunned the moment she saw the photo - the picture on the Weibo was a man and a woman, the girl was holding the hand of the person next to her, and the background was the airport.

The man wearing gold wire glasses held the luggage pole with the other hand. His slender fingers were fair and beautiful. The simple white clothes made him gentle and gentle, and his dark blue eyes showed his beauty, like a noble and elegant noble.

The girl took a selfie with him and grimaced at the camera.

"Dr. He Jiang is back! I didn't expect that there would be such news a few days after I went abroad... I went to see my doctor that day, and whoever spreads rumors will have an abortion."

Cheng Yingying opened her eyes wide and her hands trembled slightly.

An uneasy feeling spread in an instant.

She was the only actress to respond.

Originally, she was also very cautious, but the other party didn't respond for a few days. There was no other reason than her guilty conscience, and she didn't know what was going on. After listening to some of sunny's words, her head turned hot. \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

The other party has not responded these days. I originally thought that the other party was completely broken and was not ready to stay in the entertainment industry. As a result, the other party announced the relationship on Weibo!

Jiang Yan, Dr. Jiang.

Jiang Chuchu went to the hospital to see him, which was reasonable, and it was normal to put on makeup to avoid attention.

The registered obstetrics and gynecology department may have been photographed by coincidence, or the child may belong to the doctor...

The other party is a young scholar and doctor, with stunning beauty and a mysterious background. Sven's lenses look gentle and cold. This kind of person is very strict at first glance.

It was him who announced the relationship, so that the people who were eating melons could not convince themselves that Jiang Chuchu had a problem.

The question is, how do you deal with such a person?

Cheng Yingying was apprehensive, hesitated for a while, and clicked on the Weibo carefully.

Sure enough, the following are all the screams of fans:

"Oh my gosh it's really together!"

"The detective fans are going to cry! I just said that they were so sweet in the same frame! My little brother is very spoiled!"

"Get out of the rumor dog, who said we had an abortion? There's no cost to opening your mouth, isn't it!"

"I'm drunk, people go to the hospital to see a boyfriend, and I don't want to be recognized when I put on makeup. The two of them just get along quietly. With just a picture, I dare to make up anything!"

"And that so-called good friend, I really doubt what's the intention. He dares to mess around with the news that he obviously doesn't have. Are you really familiar with Chu Chu? You have a good intention!"

Sure enough, someone mentioned Cheng Yingying.

Cheng Yingying bit her lip, regretting the beginning. If only the news hadn't been retweeted...

She stayed silent for a while, but knew that it was impossible for her to remain silent.

When Jiang Chuchu was silent, everyone said that she was guilty, and she was proud at the time.

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