100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1400 Heartbeat under the stethoscope (72)


【Special Extra·After Marriage】


"Doctor Jiang, can you take a look at this patient?"

The nurse probed nervously, looking at the humane behind the desk. Dr. Jiang raised his eyes and glanced at him. Under Sven's golden glasses, he said calmly, "Wait a minute."

He got up, his white coat was white and flat, his watch was on his fair wrist, he held a folder in his hand, put away the pen at will, and walked towards the door.

When I got to the ward, I heard a female voice inside angrily say: "What is your hospital doing? It's still so painful after anesthesia, it's going to hurt people to death!"

Dr. Jiang walked in calmly.

The young beauty who was still in a temper one second, the next moment saw the doctor in white coming slowly, the golden glasses are gentle and expensive, the black tie is meticulous, the whole personality is abstinence and strict, and the beauty is really amazing.

She was stunned, swallowing her angry words, her face blushed all of a sudden, her eyes were glued to the other person's body and she couldn't move her face, her face couldn't hide her surprise.

Jiang Meiren glanced at her lightly, her slender and fair fingers held the pen, and the tip of the pen swiped across the paper.

He asked, "Is there a problem?"

The cool voice is very nice.

The young beauty blushed, her eyes still staring at him, she heard the words and said generously: "My body hurts."

"Where does it hurt?" Dr. Jiang asked lightly.

The woman was very bold, leaning on the bed and raising her upper body slightly. The loose hospital gown was on her body, but she still couldn't hide the turbulent waves, and her curves were exaggerated. She seemed to stand up unintentionally, but she said embarrassedly, "My heart... always hurts."

"What kind of pain?" Jiang Meiren did not change her expression.

Seeing that he continued to ask, the woman couldn't help but look a little smug. She raised her chest slightly, and covered her heart with her slender fingers, looking sexy and lovable. She said, "Are you a doctor? I... I can't describe it, but it really hurts. Can you help me?"

Dr. Jiang's nib finally stopped.

He looked up at the woman.

The little nurse at the door looked strange.

Anyone can detect something is wrong - how can anyone still use that whining tone?

And he deliberately puffed out his chest...

The woman's figure is really good, and she almost has to squeeze out of the hospital gown. If it is a man with poor self-control, seeing her wearing the hospital gown and covering her heart so weakly, I am afraid that her nose will bleed. .

The little nurse was a little contemptuous, but she didn't know where to start. At this moment, the door of the ward was suddenly pushed open, and a female voice said lazily, "Press it for you?"

The little nurse looked back.

In front of the door was a tall girl wearing sunglasses, dressed very stylishly and handsomely. Those beautiful eyes glanced at the person on the hospital bed from above the sunglasses, then squinted and sneered disdainfully.

"This is how I want to seduce my doctor Jiang...you're a long way off." She came over, and under the horrified sight of the little nurse, she casually grabbed the tie of Wen Ya's beauty, "Jiang Xiaoyan, come out with me."

The person with a cold temperament was pulled by his tie, but he curved his eyes in a good-natured manner. Those dark blue pupils glanced at the sluggish woman on the hospital bed. He flipped through the document and said in a low voice, "I suggest you get a cardiovascular surgery. Internal Medicine."

After speaking, when his eyes moved to the people around him, there was a little gentle emotion, "Let's go."

Yu Chu glanced at the woman who was blushing on the hospital bed, followed Jiang Meiren out of the house with satisfaction, and returned to his office, "I tell you, every day, you will attract bees and butterflies... It's not good if you don't come to see you for a day."

"Then come every day." Dr. Jiang didn't panic at all, and put the documents on the table slowly.

"You can't say, you won't in the future?" The girl glared at him.

Jiang Yan smiled gently: "It has nothing to do with me... Besides, I want you to come and see me."

He smiled and waved, "Come here."

Seeing the beautiful doctor sitting on the chair, Wen Run and gracefully reaching out to her, Yu Chu stepped forward and nestled into his arms, and suddenly smiled: "This is the first time I came to your office, in order to pinch off the peach blossoms for you, this is the posture... "

"Well." Dr. Jiang squinted his blue eyes and said gently, "I wanted to do this for a long time."

Yu Chu: "..."

There's a bad feeling about what's going on.

She raised her head carefully, and met the eyes behind the elegant lenses, her strict abstinence temperament, but the master's hand had penetrated her clothes like a beast.

"That day, you looked up at me like this." He narrowed his eyes.

Yu Chu opened his eyes slightly and held down the slender and beautiful hand, "Hey... this is..."

"No one will come."

The gentle beast said warmly.

——So, Dr. Jiang finally completed the doctor's role office p1ay.

I heard someone wanted to see the process.

Think beautifully.


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