100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1407 The Royal Sister Wants to Hug (7)


The old eunuch bent over and respectfully entered the door, and as soon as he entered, he said, "Princess, your highness next door..."

He hesitated.

Yu Chu raised his eyebrows, put the booklet on the table, raised his eyes and stared at him coldly: "What's wrong?"

The old eunuch hesitated and seemed to be very dreadful. After a long while, he replied, "His Seventeenth Highness's palace seems to be haunted, and people in the palace ran away early in the morning."

"Haunted?" Yu Chu laughed.

Although she didn't believe it, the old eunuch was an old man in the cold palace, and he was extremely shy about these ghostly things. He nodded and said in a low voice: "The palace people are all gone, and there is no one to serve His Highness. I heard that someone saw a hanged ghost in the courtyard last night... The scene was scary, everyone said it was a ghost killing... "

Yu Chu remembered the big beautiful eyes of the milk dumplings, raised his eyebrows and asked, "Why did Suo Ming want to find Xiao Shiqi?" \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

"Princess, you don't know..." The old eunuch approached a little and replied in a low voice, "When His Highness the Seventeenth Highness was born, the concubine Liu concubine at the time was killed, and the emperor hated His Highness the Seventeenth to the bones because of this. , send him to this cold palace to die."

Concubine Liu was the emperor's favorite concubine at that time.

She gave birth to a child for the emperor, but she died because of it. In ancient times when the emperor's heir was so important, the emperor took out his anger at his newborn son because of Concubine Liu's death.

It can also be seen that the emperor's true love for Concubine Liu.

It's just that there are many heirs in the harem, and Jing Huai is the seventeenth... so it doesn't matter if they don't.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have been sent to the cold palace.

Yu Chu pressed down on the booklet, thoughtfully.

Night falls. \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

The child huddled in the bed alone, with his back against the wall, with a pair of ignorant and soft eyes.

He stared blankly ahead.

Under the snow-white shirt, the little hand shook it.

He is a child after all, facing the night alone - especially last night there was a haunted place here, and there is not even a palace servant today.

The shadow of the flame fluttered on the wall.

The little milk dumpling hugged her knees and rested her cheeks on her knees. She was a little sleepy, but she couldn't sleep.

He hadn't eaten all day today, and he was cold and hungry, but he kept his long eyelashes down.

Today, he heard that people from other palaces outside the door were talking about it, saying that it was a ghost coming for his life.

Xiao Jinghuai felt a little confused.

He had never seen his mother, but he had heard that it was the mother who insisted on giving birth to a child. If it is really haunted, is it really the mother who seeks revenge on him?

Although she was young, the little milk group still pursed her tender lips disdainfully when she thought of this.

Some people want to kill him, but also make up such reasons.

How can a mother go back and take revenge when she wants to give birth to a child herself. And if I really want to seek revenge from him, I did it a few years ago, so why wait for so many years...

He was thinking vaguely in his heart, his stomach was empty and uncomfortable, but his little hand quietly touched the pillow. Under the cold and hard pillow was a cold dagger.

He couldn't leave this palace, no matter who wanted to kill him, he had to wait here obediently. But not unprepared, he will try to live.

The little boy rubbed his eyes, feeling gloomy. In fact, he doesn't know what to do in life - this life can be seen to the end at a glance, there is no joy, no emotion, and it doesn't matter if he really wants to die.

He stared at the night.

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