100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1409 The Royal Sister Wants to Hug (9)


In the next second, the girl twisted her wrist, fell beautifully over the shoulder, smashed the person directly on the ground, and then went down with a knife - the woman in red rolled her eyes and fainted.

Yu Chu kicked her aside.

She turned around and came to the bed, lifted the quilt, but couldn't see the figure of the little milk group, so she couldn't help raising her eyebrows.

"Brother Seventeen?" She looked around.

After a few quiet seconds, a soft and cute voice came from the corner: "Sister Huang...here."

The child stood up tremblingly, holding the dagger in his small hand, his face pale and distressed.

He opened his clear eyes, his black and white eyes stared straight at her, his eyelashes trembling slightly.

There was another flash of lightning outside the window, and the whole room was as bright as day for a moment, and then the dull sound of thunder rumbled. The child was suddenly startled, the whole small body shook, and the dagger fell to the ground. \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

He pursed his lips and looked at Yu Chu pitifully, like a cat whose fur was fried after being frightened.

The girl sighed, stepped forward, took him into her arms, and touched his head, "It's alright, darling."

The warm body temperature on her body made Jing Huai feel scalded for a moment, but the scalding seemed to have calmed down. Eye.

"Sister Huang..." He said softly.

The voice was as soft as a sigh.

Knowing that the child was terrified, Yu Chu hugged him silently for a while. Seeing that he was wearing a coat and his body was cold, he pulled him to lie down on the bed and covered him with a quilt.

The child let her move silently, only subconsciously holding her hand at the end, and staring at her with his eyes under the curled eyelashes, "...Is the Queen going to leave?"\u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t ;/i\u0026amp;gt;

Yu Chu was about to get up, but seeing his pale face, he shook his head: "Don't go. Go to sleep, I'm here with you."

Xiao Jinghuai pursed her pale lips, still a little uneasy in her beautiful eyes, he grabbed the quilt with his little hand, lifted it, and said in a low voice, "Sleeping with Huang Si..."

Yu Chu raised his eyebrows and couldn't help teasing the young boy: "Huh? Xiao Shiqi is not shy now?"

The child's hands froze, a little embarrassed, but in the already frightened situation, there was no blush, and the tender voice was a little helpless, "Sister Huang..."

He was still very young, but his helpless voice was already faintly seductive and gentle.

Yu Chu stopped teasing him, got into the quilt, and then hugged each other's small body with his hands and feet.

Jing Huai: "..."

The girl's body was softly attached, even if he knew that this was his own sister, he couldn't help but flutter his eyelashes, his tender lips slightly opened, but in the end he didn't say anything, he just let the other person hug him to sleep.

I thought that I would not be able to fall asleep when I was frightened, but instead, because of mental fatigue, or because the breath of the people around me was very reassuring, the little milk group quickly fell asleep.

Yu Chu looked at his immature face.

This face is good enough at this time, and you can imagine what it will look like when you grow up. The long eyelashes cast shadows on the white cheeks, and she looks very cute when she is asleep.

There was a dimple on his cheek, Yu Chu poked lightly with his hand, and then hugged him to sleep contentedly.

At night, the child had a high fever.

Yu Chu went back to his room to get the medicine. Jing Huai's cheeks were flushed, and his consciousness was dizzy. He was half asleep and half awake, realizing that there was no one around him.

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