100 Ways to Get the Male God

1413. Chapter 1413 Huangjie wants to hug (13)


If he becomes very good, I would like to...

The child was suddenly startled by his own thoughts, he blinked his long eyelashes, pursed his lips and shook his head.

There is only one garden in the Leng Palace with a good view. The sun shines from the sky, the lotus leaves and lotus flowers are stacked in the pond, and the fragrance is bursting. The light and shadow in the pavilion are mottled, and the cool summer breeze blows, which is very pleasant.

Xiao Jinghuai stayed quietly in the pavilion.

Mo was picked up by him at will, the whole person was tender and cute, soft and cute, like a little fairy.

There was a commotion not far away.

The child frowned slightly, and looked over with a pair of beautiful big eyes. Across a pond and the lush scenery on the opposite side of the pond, he couldn't see the figure there, and could only hear a few words vaguely.

"Three princesses... you can't come here!"

The maid's voice was extremely anxious. \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

"Princess, this is the cold palace. We can't go in without His Majesty's order. You are still young. There are many mentally ill people in the cold palace... What should I do if they are in danger? How can the servants bear it..."

The palace maid persuaded bitterly.

On the side of the gazebo, the child had already stood up, looking towards the pond with beautiful eyes, only a few vague figures could be seen, and the older ladies were panting and chasing after a person.

Jing Huai's eyes shifted to that person.

Because there are so many flowers there, you can't actually see any specific shadows, you can only vaguely see the beautiful skirts layer upon layer, jumping among the flowers, which is very beautiful.

...is that the Queen?

The little tits jumped for joy.

His beautiful eyebrows, which were originally indifferent, suddenly filled with a happy look. He jumped off the bench and walked towards the pond, his heartbeat increased slightly. \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

He used to dislike that the emperor had many concubines.

But after meeting the emperor's sister, the little milk group felt very fortunate. Fortunately, the emperor had other concubines. Otherwise, he would not have met his emperor's sister.

The young man's pretty fair face could hardly contain his excitement. He saw that the girl's figure was approaching, and he couldn't see the whole picture among the layers of flowers.

He bent his dark, clear eyes.

"Princess... don't run away, it's time to go back to the palace at this hour, if you don't go back, your majesty and the goddess will definitely punish the slaves... good princess, you feel sorry for the slaves..." The palace maids chased after them. He was dazed, and his voice was full of fearful weeping.

But the looming, layered, delicate corners of the clothes in the front were unmoved.

The third princess was panting to get rid of the palace maid behind her. She turned a corner, but saw an unbelievably beautiful young boy standing under a verdant tree. The other party, almost for a moment, subconsciously bent his eyes at her, Soft and glutinous: "Sister Huang..."

The three princesses stared blankly.

That cute royal sister, and the handsome and tender appearance of the young man made her blushed instantly after staying for a moment, and she stared blankly at the other party's face.

She realized that the other party was standing there, and seemed to be about to stop her and tell her to hide behind the big tree.

There is a very good location.

The palace maids behind her were about to catch up. She didn't have time to think about it, and with a little bit of inexplicable desire to approach the boy, she immediately walked over.

And just after these words were spoken, different from her reaction, Jing Huai's eyes darkened for a moment.

- Not the Queen.

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