100 Ways to Get the Male God

1415. Chapter 1415 Huangjie wants to hug (15)


Yu Chu originally wanted to give the child a surprise meeting, so he rushed over and stretched out his hand to squeeze him with a smile, but the person who was hugged didn't say a word, just turned his face, his dark eyes didn't blink.

Yu Chu felt something was wrong.

She blinked and let go of him: "what?"

Jing Huai looked at the girl's face in front of him.

She was as good-looking as the first time they met, he was a little stunned, stared at her for a long while with pursed lips, his long eyelashes trembled slightly, but his eyes were as dark as ancient wells.

A small child with beautiful eyes, but his eyes didn't have the feeling of innocence. Yu Chu subconsciously stepped back, wondering if he was thinking too much--

In the next second, the child pursed his lips and rushed over, got into her arms, hugged her with his small hands, and said in a sweet and tender voice, "Sister Huang..."

With a small voice, the cuteness melts people's hearts. \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

Yu Chu touched his head, "what's the matter?"

Why does it seem so aggrieved.

Have you been bullied?

The girl's face became serious.

But the white and tender child in her arms hugged her shoulders, then raised her head with nostalgia, lowered her eyelashes, her small face was against hers, and her warm breath was in front of her ears.

He suddenly gave her a small peck.

Yu Chu covered his face in astonishment and stared at him.

Jing Huai was very happy, the coldness and loss were finally filled with bizarre satisfaction, he curved his tender and blushing lips, looking extraordinarily innocent and cute.

It's not as cold and dismissive as the three princesses. This person in front of her, since she appeared, the little milk group can't wait to pounce on it and act like a spoiled child.

Seeing her covering her face with a shocked expression, he still had the joy of succeeding in a prank—who made the imperial sister deceive him, he was almost at a loss...\u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp ;gt;

How can we leave the Queen completely behind.

Jing Huai rested her small head on her shoulder, lowered her eyelashes and said slowly, "I saw the third princess today."

Then he noticed that the person he was holding froze all of a sudden, it seemed very embarrassing.

He didn't speak any more.

Huangjie is not Huangjie, and he doesn't know who she is at all. Once she leaves, he doesn't know how to find her.

But he just put Huangjie on the top of his heart, and even if he did, he would tie her to himself.

The child reached out and grabbed the hem of her dress.

He was young, and even if they were hugged together, there were no charming thoughts in his mind. Although it is a bit instinctive to be embarrassed, this feeling is nothing compared to the satisfaction of holding the emperor's sister.

After all, he was only ten years old.

Yu Chu thought for a while and explained: "I didn't mean to lie to you, but you were very vigilant at that time. I think you will relax a bit when you say it is your sister."

Xiao Jinghuai raised her eyes and looked at her with watery eyes, "It's not my sister, who is that?"

Yu Chu was embarrassed, "I also live in the cold palace, but I'm not your princess. I was sent by our country to be a proton...a hostage."

The child froze for a moment, pursed his lips, and asked hesitantly, "Then... are you still willing to be my imperial sister?"

If it wasn't for her own sister, she seemed to have no reason to stay with him. What's more, Jing Huai knew at a young age that countries were fighting each other. Since she was the princess of a neighboring country, she probably didn't like her own country, so why would she lend a helping hand to the prince?

He grew up in the cold palace, and he is very clear about these disputes, which is why he asks carefully.

The girl smiled: "Of course it's the emperor."

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