100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1425 The Queen Wants to Hug (25)


The snow water ran down her head, and she shivered from the cold, so angry that she cried out: "You! You are just a little maid! How dare you do this to me! I will tear you into pieces. Feed the dog!"

Yu Chu put on a surprised face, "Wow, you princess is very bad, you can come up with this bad idea."

The third princess was even more annoyed by her irony, and instructed the maids: "What are you doing? Catch her for me!"

Yu Chu smiled, and while stepping back, he grabbed the snowball and threw it, so that he could play with them at his leisure.

The maids were shivering from the beating, not because of pain, but because it was too cold. They were a little scared in their hearts, but they had to obey the princess' orders.

Yu Chu retreated to another road, keenly aware of someone, and turned his head to look over.

Under the snow on the branches, a handsome young man stared at her blankly, seemingly startled by the maid's daring to tease the princess, and did not speak for a while. \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

After the two looked at each other and saw the girl's appearance, the boy suddenly blushed.

Yu Chu frowned slightly and glanced at his clothes. The third princess here was already aggrieved and shouted: "Brother Prince! This maid is guilty of committing crimes, don't you care?"

It turned out to be the prince.

The first thing Yu Chu did was to take a good look at his appearance. He also had red lips and white teeth, with clear eyebrows, but he didn't think it was that amazing.

Probably because she saw too much cuteness.

Every plane is divine.

After looking at it, she was inexplicably proud. What is this first beautiful man...not cute and good looking.

The crown prince didn't know what she was thinking. Seeing the embarrassed appearance of the third princess and the maid, he coughed lightly: "You go and change your clothes... don't lose your sense of style."

He has a soft voice and sounds good-natured. \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

"But she..." The third princess left willingly, "This servant girl must be dealt with! She is by the side of the Seventeenth Emperor's brother, and the prince's brother must help me!"

"Well..." The Crown Prince glanced at Yu Chu and said with a smile, "Since that's the case, I'll ask the Seventeenth Emperor's younger brother later and ask her to come over first."

The third princess endured the coldness of the snow and was overjoyed when she heard the words, thinking she was going to come over for revenge, so she glanced at Yu Chu proudly, and finally she was willing to take the maid to change her clothes.

Yu Chu remained silent until the third princess left, and the crown prince turned his head to look at her. Unexpectedly, he said kindly: "Sanhuangmei is naughty, she should fight back when she offends you, right? Don't worry, I It's not to punish people at will, just to coax her."

As the crown prince, talking to the maid like this, Yu Chu raised his eyebrows slightly, "...Your Highness is serious."

The prince also knew that what he said was strange.

He just watched it with his own eyes, this bright and beautiful girl carelessly, viciously chasing after the Three Emperor Sisters...

He coughed again and said, "Since you are a member of the Seventeenth Emperor's younger brother, should you be the princess of a neighboring country?"

Obviously he knew Yu Chu's identity.

Seeing the girl nod her head, he said again: "It's hard for you to be a dignified princess, but you have been wronged here... If you want, I can ask Seventeen to ask you to come, and you can just be casual in the Prince's Mansion. You see. Woolen cloth?"

Yu Chu was a little surprised now.

This prince has a good temper too.

She was thinking about refusing, but a slow, inaudible voice came from not far away: "Shouldn't the person who wants me ask me first?"

The prince was surprised.

In the corridor, a beautiful fair-haired boy walked slowly, but there was a faint look in his eyes.

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