100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1444 The Queen Wants to Hug (44)


He was wronged here, but the girl glanced at him, but raised her hand and tapped again, "Are you talking back?"


The young man was silent, obediently silent.

He covered his head with one hand, dipped the flame with the other, and glanced at her slowly, as if he wanted to ask something, but in the end he shrunk back without saying a word.

Yu Chu asked, "What's wrong?"

The boy turned to look at her, hesitated, and finally asked in a low voice, "Sister Huang, do you think I was hooked up?"

Yu Chu was silent.

She looked at this beautiful young man and looked at her expectantly with clean eyes. He looked like he was obsessed, but those little eyes were really fascinating.

... He didn't mean to seduce people, but the ability to seduce girls is really self-taught.

Yu Chu couldn't help but looked away, stared at the beating flames, and sighed: "Xiao Huai has grown up, and now she looks like this, I don't know how many girls will be taken away."

Jing Huai's eyes darkened for a moment, and he also turned his head to stare at Huo Miao, and said in a dull tone, "Even if you grow up, you are still the seventeenth of the emperor's sister, and you will always listen to the emperor's words."

Yu Chu raised his eyebrows: "Whoever you want to marry?"

The young man was stunned for a moment, and those beautiful eyes turned around, with a silent and uncomfortable meaning, "Is there someone you want me to... marry?"

The tone was a little stunned.

Yu Chu raised his eyebrows and nodded calmly: "Yes."

Jing Huai stared at her for a few seconds.

He suddenly turned his head and stared at the flames silently. His whole body was as stiff as an ice sculpture. In places where the girl could not see, his eyes were dark and deep like thick ink.

But he was silent for a long time, as if he smiled very slowly, and asked, "Who is it?"

Yu Chu looked at the curled eyelashes on his side face, leaned over, hugged him and said, "Me."

The world fell silent for a moment.

There was still the sound of Xueluo outside, softly, like pieces of feathers, quietly covering the world.

In the warm rock crevice, the flames crackled, and the boy who was extremely stiff was awakened.

He turned his head and stared at the girl with his dark and deep eyes. After a while, he asked very lightly, "Who?"

"Me." Yu Chu looked at him with a smile.

She saw that the bottom of the beautiful and clear eyes of the young man seemed to be full of light, reflecting the flames jumping on the side, like the most splendid gem in the world, the slender eyelashes trembled slightly, and the small brush covered half of it. The pupils are so beautiful that they are speechless.

His lips parted, but he didn't make a sound for a while.

Yu Chu couldn't help but feel a little strange.

But she didn't know what her words meant.

——The nostalgia that I relied on day and night when I was young, the ambiguity of reciting the name in a low voice when I was ignorant, like a blooming flower wrapped around the atrium, being held on the tip of my heart for support.

The accumulated longing and paranoia are the tiny thorns on the flower. Every time they touch it, it will be extremely painful, but he will never take the flower out of his heart. He still waters it with all his efforts and watches it bloom slowly. .

He was afraid that the flower did not belong to him.

It was born around the heart. If one day it said that it did not belong to him, when it was pulled out, the blood would be blurred, and even the heart would disappear together, and life would be meaningless.


The boy suddenly muttered in a low voice.

Before Yu Chu responded, he turned around and hugged her, burying his head on her shoulder, saying nothing.

Yu Chu didn't speak either, just patted his back lightly, just like comforting a child when he was a child.

The boy's voice was obscure, and he asked in a low voice, "Is the royal sister serious?"

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