100 Ways to Get the Male God

The 1460th chapter police officer is strawberry flavor (1)


【The Thirtieth Plane—】

[Ding——Successful transmission——]

Yu Chu's consciousness was dizzy, she wanted to open her eyes, but there was a dull pain in her brain, she couldn't open her eyes, and her thoughts were a little hazy.

This situation has never been encountered.

Generally speaking, the body can be grasped immediately after teleportation. I have never encountered such a situation where the consciousness slowly wakes up, but it happens to be dizzy.

She slowly felt as if she was sitting on a cold iron chair, with her hands clipped behind her back, handcuffed with something heavy.

There was silence all around.

One guard said to the other, "The tranquilizers have passed, she's quiet now."

"However, it seems that there is no interrogation today."

"Well, take her back."

——In the middle of the interrogation just now, not knowing that the sentence touched the prisoner's nerves, she struggled suddenly, and cried out hysterically as if she had collapsed.

As a last resort, the guards injected a small amount of tranquilizers.

The prisoner then quieted down.

The two guards stood up the girl who was strayed. Someone untied her handcuffs, and when the person next to her helped her up, they handcuffed the girl's hands in front of her again.

She kept her head down and motionless.

Two people supported her and took her back.

Yu Chu only heard the sound of the iron gate opening, and the surroundings were quiet, only the footsteps of the guards.

The two took her out of the interrogation room and helped her to the direction of the cell. Yu Chu's body was slightly numb, and he couldn't lift his hands at all. They simply let them stand up.

There was a series of footsteps on the opposite side. The steps are steady and calm, from far to near, as if knocking on the heart.

Yu Chu felt the two guards holding him stop, and then said in unison, "Hello, officer."

The other party did not speak, and seemed to only nodded.

Yu Chu's consciousness was still a little dizzy. She lowered her head in a mess, her originally tied head drooped down to cover her face, and the large prison uniform made her more petite.

She moved her fingers slightly, feeling a bit of strength regained, she raised her head slightly, and looked at the passage ahead through the chaotic gap.

A man was passing her by.

There was only a moment, and she only half-opened her eyes, so she didn't see the person clearly.

But Jinghong glanced at him, only to think that he was very slender, with his black jacket casually draped over his white shirt, and the moment he passed by, it was like a breeze, bringing a trace of clean coolness.

Yu Chu saw a solemn black, and the man's shirt was snow-white, which made him look young and clear. Her gaze was very low, and just under the long-legged black trousers, a section of fair-skinned ankles was exposed. The bare bones were very beautiful, and this person was probably very young.

She lowered her head, actually wanted to take a closer look at the other person's face, but now her body was numb and her mind was dizzy, she closed her eyes and slowly recovered.

After the man passed, the guards supported her and continued to walk. Finally, when they reached a cell, Yu Chu heard the sound of the cold iron door opening again. She was helped in and placed on the bed at will, and the two left.

Yu Chu was lying on the bed, quiet and doing nothing, and simply closed his eyes to receive the plot in his mind.

The original owner is a girl who graduated from college.

have a boyfriend. Boyfriend is a jerk.

But she loves her boyfriend very much.

Because her boyfriend made a mistake, he was very scared and didn't want to get into the game, but this silly little girl actually listened to his words and was sent to the game instead of him.

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