100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1465 The police officer is strawberry flavored (6)


There was silence all around.

Then, someone burst out laughing.

The scarred woman had a lifeless expression on her face.

The female prisoner was also stunned for a moment, then blushed and gritted her teeth: Little bitch!

She raised her hand and slapped it down.

The girl just watched quietly, watching the female prisoner raise her slap, she narrowed her eyes, suddenly tiptoed, her petite body jumped straight, just hit the female prisoner's chin, and the other side screamed, subconsciously. Retracting his hand to cover his chin, Yu Chu broke free from his collar.

She doesn't have martial arts right now, and this body is also delicate and weak, so she had to slap around, picking the place where it hurts, and after hitting her chin, she jumped up again and stomped on the opponent's feet.

The female prisoner groaned again, and the pain was so painful that she raised her foot and stood on one leg. Yu Chu took the opportunity to kick her in the abdomen, and the female prisoner was unstable on one leg and fell to the ground.

This movement was smooth, and the people around them hardly reacted when they saw the strong woman clutching her stomach and falling down, while the petite and soft girl looked calm and unharmed.

The scarred woman's eyes were filled with awe.

Yu Chu looked at the woman on the ground coldly.

Although he knocked down the opponent, he had no strength, and the opponent was not injured.

As expected, the female prisoner got up quickly, grabbed Yu Chu's collar in anger, and lifted her up.

Yu Chu did not resist.

The prisoners were watching the fun, and no one noticed the footsteps outside, but she kept paying attention.

Sure enough, before the female prisoner started, an angry voice came from outside the cafeteria: What are you doing!

The female prisoner loosened her hands in fright, and Yu Chu, who was lifted up, fell to the ground. She could barely stand still, but she let herself fall to the ground.

She touched her neck and coughed a few times.

The guards came quickly.

Yu Chu sat in the crowd, and the layered figures blocked her vision. She lowered her head and waited for a few seconds, but strangely she didn't hear the guard's voice scolding the prisoner.

Strangely, she suddenly heard the voice of the warden here, and explained flatteringly: Officer Yan, I'm really sorry to let you see this is not usually like this. I don't know what conflicts have arisen today. I will look back and be fine. ask

Say police officer?

She had just crossed over, and the person who passed by in the corridor, the guards also called him a police officer.

Yu Chu raised his head.

Through the shadows of the crowd, she saw each other.

It was a very slender young man, with black broken ends slightly curled, and under his deep and beautiful eyebrows, a pair of eyes as clean as ice and snow, with a cold winter-like texture, and the light in his eyes outlined a bit of coolness.

This is a very cold person, and Yu Chu guessed that his status is very high, because he is not only indifferent, but also has a kind of calmness that controls everything.

He was wearing black slender police trousers, but the slender black trousers still did not cover his ankles, and the exposed section was fair in color, good-looking and cool.

Upward is the belt that is tied around the waist, because the owner's beautiful figure is very attractive.

This man was wearing a clean white shirt and tightly tied tie, but the black police uniform outside was unbuttoned, and the black and white contrasted, looking young and clean.

Yu Chu's gaze turned upwards, meeting those eyes that were as thin as ice and snow. A police hat was casually covered on the black pieces, and the brim of the hat cast a beautiful shadow.

He was looking at her.

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