100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1475 The police officer is strawberry flavored (16)


Yu Chu's heart surged with various emotions for a moment, but all in all, it was embarrassment. Very embarrassing.

It would be better if she didn't know each other. She didn't know that the guy in front of her was a police officer, and he didn't know that she was a "prisoner" who had been in prison. Even if they bumped into each other so embarrassingly, they could pass by silently.


The other party is a police officer, and he is still a prisoner who has been interrogated by him. Now this situation is like a crime again after being released from prison, and it happened to be seen by the police officer.

Yu Chu didn't speak for a while.

The other party only paused for a moment, and then continued to raise his hand slowly and got the thing.

His clean and indifferent eyes didn't look at the shelves, but looked at them casually. Because he was not wearing a police cap, his slightly curled tips showed a bit of beauty, and his deep and thin eyebrows were cold and plain.

Yu Chu was silent for a few seconds. \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

She simply lowered her head slightly, and without changing her face, she took out the bread slowly as if nothing had happened, and threw it into the shopping basket.

Immediately, she looked straight ahead and walked forward with the basket expressionlessly.

Yan Mu didn't move all the time, her eyes were as cold as ice and snow, looking very thin and cold, but she didn't have any other reaction, watching the girl pass by.

The next second after passing by, he lowered his eyes.

After Yu Chu walked over, the shopping basket in her hand was suddenly pulled, she turned around subconsciously, and saw a slender and fair hand reaching towards her face.

His fingers were slender and beautiful, but Yu Chu didn't care about admiring the beauty, and instinctively reached out and buckled the hand, slapped the slender hand off, and then nimbly tiptoed, grabbing the collar of the man in black. .

Yan Mu is silent.

Yu Chu responded with a blink of an eye after hitting back. She instinctively took precautions against this person, so this action was smooth and smooth, and it was completed in an instant.

Being grabbed by the collar, the beautiful young man lowered his eyes slightly and leaned over, his eyes as cold as ice and snow behind his eyelashes, stared at her from a close distance, so clean that there were no waves.

Yu Chu did not forget that when she was in prison, she heard the conversations of the guards. Police officer Yanmu has a resolute style, a ruthless personality, and is a very scary person...

She stared at those clean and beautiful eyes, hesitated slightly, and when she was about to let go, the owner of the beautiful eyes suddenly rolled her eyes with interest.

His eyes are beautiful and deep, but they always have a cold and thin meaning, so when he smiles, he shows a particularly moving beauty.

Yu Chu was stunned.

The person in front of her was not angry when she grabbed the collar. Instead, she bent her thin and cool eyes and asked in a slow voice, "Are you... violating the law and attacking the police?"

He asked lazily, half-smiling.

Yu Chu immediately let go of his hand, took a step back, and said, protecting his shopping basket, "I didn't break the law."

Yan Mu glanced at the bread.

Yu Chu noticed his sight and couldn't help but have a headache. It doesn't matter if you change someone, but they are the police... She had to explain: "I originally wanted to buy it, but it just fell off, so I reached out and caught it."

The other party narrowed his eyes slightly, not knowing whether he believed it or not, Yu Chu waited for a few seconds, then the man curled his lips and nodded casually, as if he had heard the explanation.

Before Yu Chu could breathe a sigh of relief, the slender young man suddenly leaned over slightly, and the cool breath approached her.

Those clean and clear eyes were slightly curved, his voice was clear, and he asked lightly, "What about assaulting the police?"

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