100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1488 The police officer is strawberry flavored (29)


Listening to his low voice, he muttered like a child, and Yu Chu raised his eyebrows in a funny way, then he stopped chasing people, got up by himself, packed the teacup, and came back to stare at the slender figure on the sand, "Are you going to sleep here?"

Yan Mu opened his eyes and looked over.

Although he didn't speak, the meaning in those frosty eyes was obvious:

Or will you let me sleep in my room?

Yu Chu raised his lips and waved decisively, "Officer, just rest in the sand."

Yan Mu closed her eyes, ignored her words, and said coldly, "Call me by my name in the future."

He lay down lightly and closed his eyes again, his thick and beautiful eyelashes covered his eyes, the clean color inside was covered, and there was less lingering, which made his whole person look gentle. few.

Yu Chu was about to enter the room when the man on the sand suddenly said indifferently, "Wait... Come here." \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

He stood up and put his fingers in his pockets.

Yu Chu walked over for no apparent reason, stood behind Sha's backrest, and looked at the man.

She watched Young Master Yan touch her pocket, and then straightened up from the sand. He was slender, and after getting up, he approached her indifferently, holding her hand with one hand, and handing the thing over with the other.

Before Yu Chu could react, a strong fragrance approached, and a piece of sugar was gently fed into his lips.

With the sweetness of the candy paper on the fingertips.

The two stared at each other for a few seconds.

Yu Chu was stunned for a moment, then coughed suddenly, in order to hide his blushing, he said, "How can you eat candy before going to bed?"

She puffed out her cheeks and bit the sugar in her mouth.

Yan Muzheng lowered his eyes casually, and folded the candy wrapper in his hand. Hearing this, he raised his eyes and looked at her thoughtfully for a few seconds, "Is it sweet?"\u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t ;/i\u0026amp;gt;

Yu Chu bit the candy, "Sweet..."

The man suddenly raised his thin lips, with a bit of a smirk, raised his eyebrows and said, "Have a sweet dream."

Yu Chu: "..."

Has she been teased again!

The girl turned her eyes away indiscriminately, not looking at those eyes with a lazy smile.

Looking down, she saw the folded candy wrapper, she casually reminded: "The trash can is over there."

Yan Mu lay down lazily again, closed her eyes, lowered her thick eyelashes, and said casually, "Don't throw it away."

Yu Chu was stunned for a moment, blinked, and after reacting, he couldn't help but burst out laughing.

So cute!

The man on the sand opened his eyes and looked at her.

Yu Chu smiled and looked at him playfully, "You lied to me last time... You just have a hobby of collecting candy wrappers, right? It's cute, and I won't laugh at you."

Yan Mu looked at her coldly, with a calm expression in her eyes, and said quietly, "You already laughed."

"I think it's cute." Yu Chu couldn't help raising the corners of his lips again. He felt that this little hobby was too cute, and took the initiative: "Don't worry, if I see a good-looking candy wrapper in the future, I will put it away and keep it for you."

The police officer who likes to collect candy wrappers is the cutest creature in the world...

Young Master Yan looked at her lazily for a while, then closed his eyes again, and spit out two words from his thin lips, "Whatever."

Still so arrogant...

Doesn't he like to collect it himself?

Yu Chu resisted his urge to mess up the other party's black, turned around and went back to the room, closing the door in a good mood.

There was only one person left in the living room.

The night was dark, only the distant neon outside the window.

The tall figure on the sand was silent for a long time, and then he gently unfolded the piece of candy, which was sweet with neon light, and he hooked his lips lazily on his lips.

Collected, but you.

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