100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1495 The police officer is strawberry flavored (36)


He leaned over slightly, put his arm lightly on the girl's shoulder, his warm breath lingered in her ears, and his lazy and bewitching voice was close at hand, bringing out a hint of numbness.

He whispered: "Hold me, it will be better."

Are you still afraid of pain?

Yu Chu smiled slightly. Sure enough, it's a little cutie who loves to eat candy and collect candy wrappers...

She worried and asked, "Do you want to go to the hospital?"

The other party shook his head, expressionless and calm: "Just go to my house."

"Okay," the girl nodded, hugging him carefully, "then I'll support you."

Yan Mu lowered his eyes, and the snow-like eyes under the eyelashes curved into a clean smile. He let the girl support him and walked out of the corridor with her shoulders in his arms.

The street lamp stretched the shadows of the two of them very long. From an outsider's point of view, they looked like a slender and beautiful young man holding a petite girl with lowered eyes.

Yu Chu stopped a taxi, put Young Master Yan in first, and then sat in it himself.

Yan Mu looked up lazily and reported an address.

He leaned back on the seat and closed his eyes slightly.

Yu Chu turned his head to look at the young man. He was leaning against the window with his face sideways. His originally clear and chill temperament was now pure and innocent. His eyelashes were as long as butterfly wings, casting a light shadow on his fair side face.

The jumping light and shadow outside the window reflected his eyelashes. When the police officer was quiet... the beauty was really tempting.

He didn't speak, Yu Chu couldn't help but feel a little worried, leaned slightly and approached him, getting closer to the face, and before he could ask a question, the other party gently opened his cold eyes and glanced at her calmly.

The girl originally wanted to get close and ask, but as soon as he opened his eyes, the distance became ambiguous.

She whispered, "Is the injury really okay?"

Yan Mu looked at the face that was so close in front of her, and said calmly, "It's alright, go back and wrap it up."

Yu Chu nodded, still a little worried, and stretched out his hand to pull his clothes: "Let me see."

Yan Mu didn't stop her this time, leaned on the seat and lowered her eyes, watching the girl carefully lift his windbreaker.

Yu Chu gently lifted the snow-white shirt, revealing the edge of the white abdomen, with very beautiful texture lines.

Yan Mu looked away lightly, leaned against the car window, pressed the back of her fair hand against her thin lips, and rubbed her earlobe with the other hand, and the slightly hot tip of her ear became even hotter.

The girl's slender hand touched the edge of the wound lightly, her fingertips resting on his abdomen, bringing up a mixed feeling. Yan Mu slightly pressed his temples, no matter how light the wind was in the past, he couldn't help but sighed slightly and looked at the girl quietly.

Yu Chu raised his head and saw the police officer's indifferent and indifferent expression, as cold and cold as ice-covered snow, just like when he first met him in prison. After the eyes of the two met, he turned his head quietly, his expression calm.

"Is work dangerous? Are you often injured?" Yu Chu asked him in a low voice.

The police officer paused, turned his eyes, and narrowed his thin and cool eyes slightly. After a while, he nodded, "It's not dangerous, it will occasionally get hurt."

"Does it still hurt?" Yu Chu pursed his lips.

Yan Mu shook her head gently, suddenly leaned over to approach her, her thin lips almost touched her ears, and her very soft voice brought numbness, "The driver is watching us."

Yu Chu blinked, knowing that no one could see his injury, so he consciously reached out to cover it up.

But the next second, her waist was wrapped around her waist by the other's slender fingers, and she sat on the police officer's body as the world was spinning. Her clean eyes were close at hand, and his thin lips slightly raised: "...Don't move."

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