100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1498 The police officer is strawberry flavored (39)


Yan Mu also entered the guest room alone, and took a bathrobe at random and went to the bathroom to take a shower. The wound can't touch the water, he frowned for a few seconds, and his white fingers touched the gauze, and the officer's cold eyes softened slightly. He picked up the towel to drain the water, and wiped his body casually.

After getting out of the bath, he went to the bed and lay down, closing his eyes lazily.


In the middle of the night, Yu Chu was sleeping soundly when she heard someone knocking on the door lightly. She opened her eyes in a daze, and walked over to open the door in confusion.

The figure in front of the door was tall, and his deep eyes stared at her coldly. The next second he opened the door, he couldn't help staggering forward, fell straight on top of her, and buried his cheeks in the girl's shoulders, "...Uncomfortable. "

The voice is hoarse.

Yu Chu's shoulder touched his forehead, and the scalding temperature surprised her, "Are you burning?"

Is it a wound infection? Burned so hot. \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

She quickly reached out and hugged the other's waist, the young man leaned on her, almost half of his weight was pressed down, Yu Chu carefully supported him: "Come here first and lie down."

The police officer seemed to be a little dizzy with the burning, opened his beautiful eyes, glanced at her, then closed it silently again, and was helped to lie down beside the bed in a daze.

"Hey? Do you remember where the medicine is?" Yu Chu went out to find the medicine cabinet, but found no antipyretic medicine.

The man on the bed opened his eyes slightly.

Because of the burning, there was a bit of water in his cold eyes, and it seemed that he reacted for a while before pursing his lips dizzily: "Master bedroom..."

in this room?

No wonder he came to look for her in the middle of the night.

Yu Chu turned over the cabinet, but found several dark and cold pistols... There was actually a large sniper rifle in another cabinet. She looked around, and finally saw the pills in a small box. \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

There are also a few soft and cute strawberry candies.

She couldn't help laughing, brought the sugar and medicine together, poured a glass of water, and handed it over.

Yan Mu opened her eyes and watched for a few seconds, then lowered her head and took a sip of water on her hand. Yu Chu carefully fed the medicine into his thin lips, and then let him drink water to swallow the medicine.

Young Master Yan drank the medicine, and his delicate brows furrowed. Because of his illness, he didn't look as cold as usual, but rather dull and cute.

Yu Chu looked at his dark and soft pieces, casting a faint shadow on his eyebrows, which made his eyes darker and deeper, but there was a sick crimson on his white cheeks.

She glanced at the police officer's brokenness and wanted to rub it with her hands. His current situation is dull and confused, and he will probably be obediently touched...

Yu Chu peeled off the candy, handed the candy wrapper to the other's lips, and coaxed, "If it's bitter, eat a candy."

Yan Mu lowered his head and opened his lips, took a warm breath, and after biting off the candy, he narrowed his eyes. Apparently, the sweetness of the candy is a lot more pleasing.

Yu Chu took the opportunity to put his paw on the police officer and rubbed it lightly, "Well...be good."

Yan Mu didn't refute, she still lay lazily, squinting her eyes and pressing the tip of her tongue against the candy.

Yu Chu's dark pieces were rubbed by Yu Chu, and his eyebrows and eyes were slightly messy, but his eyes were still light, and with the peculiar insensitivity when he was sick, the whole person seemed gentle and harmless, and a little lazy and casual.

Yu Chu asked him, "Is it sweet?"

If he said sweet, she decided to flirt like before, wishing him a good dream...

However, Officer Yan looked at her lightly for two seconds.

He raised his body, stretched out his hand to buckle the girl's collar, his eyelashes moved slightly, and he easily pulled her down.

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