100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1500 The police officer is strawberry flavored (40)


Before... not so long ago.

It's all kisses through candy wrappers.

If that counts as a kiss.

A thin piece of gorgeous candy paper with a strong sweet fragrance, that piece of paper just touched her... but it didn't bring any real aura about her.

Yan Mu has a mysterious family background, a lazy personality, and a light-hearted situation - he rarely thinks of anything.

Those two pieces of candy do count.

Stay by your side, cover your lips casually before going to bed at night, and stare at the ceiling with your eyes open.

This subtle and perverted desire, he has always been well controlled, calm and cold.

But today, perhaps because of a sick relationship, my emotions are suddenly a little childish, and I want what I have always wanted, no matter whether the time is right or not.

He leaned up and kissed.

Yu Chu was sitting on the edge of the bed, and suddenly he buckled the collar. Before she could react, the officer's cold and clean eyes widened in her eyes, and the delicate cheek leaned over, and her breath poured into her face for a moment.

He raised his head, his thin cool lips pressed against hers.

Feeling as soft as cotton candy, as his lips touched lightly, he lowered his eyelashes, his eyelashes as thick as a small fan moved slightly, and he opened his lips and pecked her lowly.

This time, almost immediately, people felt a slight numbness on the lips, and along the corners of the lips, like a thin electric current running through the body, it went straight to the whole body.

It makes sense that kissing would be soft... Yu Chu was caught off-guard by the kiss, and this fluttering peck made her almost so soft that she didn't hold the bedside.

Yan Mu half-raised her body, and wrapped a hand around her behind her lightly, clasping the back of the girl's head, her white fingers resting on the back of her head, showing a bewitching color against the black.

Yu Chu was forced to press him, the police officer swept across her forehead in pitch blackness, her thin and soft lips opened slightly, the tip of her tongue came in with a sweet fragrance, and she gently licked the corner of her lips, and then she touched her lips. between.

The sweetness of the candy, and the bitterness of the medicine just taken, were all kissed between his lips. The breath on his body was clean and clear. When kissing, his eyelashes trembled slightly, his breathing was unsteady, and the breathless kiss made him blush.

Yu Chu crouched above him, with one hand barely supporting the bedside, the other on his shoulder, letting the other person's thin lips rub against his lips, the candy taste from the tip of the tongue spread into the mouth, and the sweet aroma was so rich soft……

The weak medicinal bitterness seemed to have turned into a kind of ambiguity, which was then completely overshadowed by the strawberry sweetness.

It was a long kiss, until the sugar was completely dissolved, and the smell of candy was on their lips, and the police officer narrowed his eyes and stepped back, throwing his fingers on the back of her head.

Yu Chu looked at him blankly.

Yan Mushuang's snow-like eyes were very close and deep, and he looked at her quietly. The water on his thin lips was lustrous, and he looked ambiguous.

The two looked at each other for a few seconds before the police officer spoke in a low voice, "What does it taste like?"

The sweet taste of candy, the girl blinked and subconsciously licked the corner of her lower lip, "Strawberry."

After she answered, she suddenly returned to her senses. She looked at the person in front of her, who stared at her, and seemed to smile lightly. The tip of her tongue also licked her thin lips, and she said calmly, "Well...Strawberry. ."

He let go of his hands and lay back, his posture was lazy and casual, but he was inexplicably satisfied.

Thick eyelashes closed.

Yu Chu sat on the edge of the bed, and after a long while he touched his lips, the strawberry sweetness still remained, and the two almost ate a candy together...

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