100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1509 The police officer is strawberry flavored (50)


In the spacious room, Jin's girl was wrapped in a bathrobe, half lying on the bed lazily, and glanced at the subordinate in front of her: "Did you successfully kill her?"

The subordinate hesitated for a while, and did not dare to tell her the situation, but now he has to say...

He bit his head and said, "Mr. Yan's protection of her is very tight... We can't succeed."

Brittany's movements stopped, the towel slipped from her slightly wet gold, she raised her body, and asked in a clearly displeased tone, "Yan protects her?"

The subordinates secretly complained.

I knew that this would irritate the leader.

He lowered his head and said, "Yes..."

Brittany was quiet for a long time before slowly sitting back, his eyes were cold, "It's okay..."

She glanced at her subordinate, "Will Yan always keep her by his side?"

The subordinates were silent.

In fact, judging from his surveillance... Mr. Yan was really with that girl all the time.

These days, they will frequently come and go to the Daling's manor. I don't know what the girl's identity is, but she can follow Mr. Yan into the manor.

Except for bodyguards, no one else can enter the manor. Except for those at the top of the party committee...

Could it be that the girl is a senior member of the domestic party council?

The subordinates recounted the situation in a respectful tone.

Brittany was also a little surprised.

They are not clear about the power of the domestic party council.

After coming here, they only saw the leader, and everything else was handled by Yan.

But that girl won't be the top.

If it is a high-level person, there is no need to say that he does not know him.

So...who is she?

Why do you want to protect her...

What is their relationship?

The more Brittany thought about it, the more puzzled he became. He couldn't help frowning and asked, "What is the leader busy with recently?"

The subordinate said: "Some time ago, the leader held a birthday party for his daughter. Our people couldn't infiltrate the manor, so we didn't get any specific information."

When it comes to leading the daughter, Brittany showed a slightly disdainful look, "That kind of pampered lady... Oh, I've heard of it before. The leader protects people very well, and doesn't even share photos."

The subordinate echoed: "Yes, I heard that the leader is very careful and never let her appear in public..."

"Miss daughter raised like this can be a powerful character." Brittany stretched lazily, "Don't mention her. You continue to send people, keep an eye on that woman, and start immediately when you have a chance. ."

The subordinate nodded, "Yes."

Brittany lay down lazily.

No matter what the identity of that girl is, she can't be higher than herself... If you get rid of her, Yan will not break with herself for her.

She is so annoying.

a few days later.

A stretched Bentley left the manor and was going to the seaside pier.

These days, the people in the manor move around in an orderly manner, and there is no difference at all.

The place of negotiation is on a ship.

During the negotiations, the ship would leave the dock and head to the high seas to avoid detection by the police.

When Bentley arrived at the dock, a bald man in black stepped forward, bowed respectfully and said, "Mr. Yan, Brittany Collar is already waiting for you on the boat."

The man in black opened the car door, and the tall young man stepped out of the car. Almost instantly, the bald man felt oppression from the other side. Some people do have an aura, combined with the rumors that he was cold-blooded and ruthless in the past, it is natural to feel nervous in front of him.

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