100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1519 The police officer is strawberry flavored (60)


In the entire icy interrogation room, only when the girl couldn't bear it, she choked up slightly. She shook her hands and hugged the man on her body, letting the slender body of the young man cover her, and the police officer's cold pupils calmed down.

However, even though the man had no expression on his face, it was obvious that he had no intention of stopping at all.

Yu Chu really wants to be glad that he has practiced martial arts and has good physical fitness, so he can barely withstand such a toss. , In the deep and dull eyes, there is a slightly bright flame.


The girl slowly opened her eyes.

There are no windows in the interrogation room, only the iron railings above the door, and the white light from the outside is projected from there, making people squinting uncomfortably.

She is still in her arms.

She huddled in the other's arms, leaning against his shoulder. The police uniform was draped over her, very warm.

The man held her back with one hand, and seemed to be writing something with the other, and his movements were deliberately light.

Yu Chu moved his head and turned his head.

On the black interrogation table was a pure white document. Yan Mu slowly wrote, and after sensing her movement, the slender finger holding the writing stopped.

"Awake?" he asked.

Yu Chu raised his head, saw the man's delicate eyebrows in the morning light, suddenly raised his head and kissed his chin.

Yan Mu paused, then lowered her head, and her thin lips kissed the tip of her nose softly and gently.

The girl wrapped the police uniform and was about to jump off him, but was slowly embraced. He pulled the police uniform slightly, lowered his head and placed his thin lips on her neck.

Yu Chu was startled: "What are you doing?"

The police officer who bit out a red mark took it slow, licked his thin lips, and said lightly, "Grow strawberries."


Finally, the girl blushed and was kissed many times, Yan Mu narrowed her eyes in satisfaction, hugged her and slowly got up, and put her on the ground: "Let's go."

He took the document he had just written. The collar of the girl's prison uniform was torn and barely wrapped around her body. She tightened the police uniform on her body and followed Yan Mu out of the interrogation room.

Received great attention along the way...

Come out with Officer Yan, and wear Officer Yan's uniform...

The black police uniform shrouded the petite girl. She raised her collar to cover her neck. The guards who came and went looked at her with surprise and strange expressions.

Although everyone tries their best not to speculate in an ambiguous direction... but this scene is too ambiguous!

Yu Chu didn't even change her prison uniform. It wasn't until she got out of the prison and got into the car that she gritted her teeth, "When you go through the formalities, you mean to hand in a document?"

Such a simple thing, why not last night?

Yan Mu saw what she was thinking, raised her delicate eyebrows slightly, and said warmly, "No one was there yesterday."

Maybe it was because he was very satisfied after eating and wiping, his cold voice was softer.

Yu Chu pouted and glared at him angrily.

Why is she always passive.

She rubbed over in her police uniform, raised her head and bit his chin lightly, and asked, "Did you feel good last night?"

Yan Mu was taken aback.

Afterwards, his face that was as cold as ice and snow quickly became overwhelmed. He turned his face and looked out the window, pursing his thin lips in silence, and the tips of his ears were red.

"What did you ask..." The cold and hoarse voice still showed a strong calmness.

The girl turned his face, "Who made you expressionless last night? Say, answer my question."

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