100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1525 The police officer is strawberry flavored (66)


Everyone was stunned.

Although the object of the confession was not me, but when I was caught off guard, hearing this sentence, the girls couldn't help but heat up and their heartbeats increased slightly.

Oh my god, it wasn't so cold...

Are you so clingy in private?

And they'll talk like this...

Yu Chu was also stunned for a while, not expecting that he would suddenly confess, she blinked, "Ayan?"

"I love you." The other party hugged her knee and lay down again, repeating like a child, "Love you..."


Yu Chu couldn't help but blushed a little.

She...she hasn't been confessed like this before.

Although they understand each other's intentions, but saying it over and over again...it's still a bit overwhelming. What's wrong with this man? \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

His character, how could he casually say such things.

She rubbed the black pieces of the other party, and looked up at the girls in front of her with apology.

Obviously, no more guests can be entertained at this time.

She was a little helpless.

In this situation, it's almost like his own child ran out to cry and sent guests away in order to coax the child...

The girls looked at each other, although they didn't know the specific situation, but they could see that they shouldn't stay at this time. Be a light bulb... Everyone put down their cups with a wink, glanced at Yan Mu, and then said goodbye and left.

Yu Chu was hugged by his knees and couldn't get up to see off the guests, so he just sat there smiling and watched them go out.

After the girls went out, they looked at each other, their faces were a little red, and one of them whispered: "It doesn't seem to be a cool style... I feel very cute." \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/ i\u0026amp;gt;

"I also think..." The other person answered.

I thought it was an extremely cold type, but today it completely broke the impression. It turned out to be such a cute side in private... I woke up and hugged my girlfriend, etc., and said love words over and over again...

I don't know who muttered:

"Someone's boyfriend."

Yan Mu lay on the girl's lap, letting her fingers rub her, the pitch black slid between Yu Chu's fingers, she tilted her head slightly, feeling the person's whole body was cold and cold, and asked, "What's the matter? "

After a long while, Yan Mu whispered, "Have a nightmare."

Yu Chu was stunned for a moment, then couldn't help crying.

This childish bastard.

She helped the childish ghost with nightmares, "You get up first and sit down, and I'll pour you a glass of water."

"No." Yan Mu whispered, her white cheeks buried in her arms, her voice muffled, "I want to hug you."

Yu Chu: "..."

What's the matter with suddenly feeling cute? !

She patiently said, "Get up and give you a hug."

Only then did he pull the other party up and sit on the sand. Before Yu Chu could turn around to pour the water, he was hugged by his waist. This embrace was fragrant and cold, and his fingertips were still slightly trembling. mood.

Yu Chu couldn't help frowning, strange.

She nestled in Yan Mu's arms honestly, and patted him on the back: "What nightmare did you have?"

Scared like this.

Yan Mu didn't speak for a while.

He still clearly remembered the panic when he saw the blood, as if his entire brain had stopped thinking.

When he held her and the body temperature disappeared little by little, only he himself understood the despair...

He picked up the gun and put the candy wrapper back carefully, aiming the gun at his heart.

At that time, a vague idea appeared in my mind.

He didn't know where the idea came from.

- When he loses her, he can destroy the world.

If you lose it, you destroy yourself.

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