100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1527 The police officer is strawberry flavored (68)


The word grievance really doesn't seem to appear on Officer Yan, Yu Chu stayed for a while, then coaxed him with a good temper, and finally calmed him down.

But he didn't let go of anything.

Yu Chu went to the refrigerator to get something, he hugged her waist and leaned on her shoulders. Yu Chu went to the living room trash can to throw rubbish, and he continued to hold it quietly. Yu Chu picked up the fruit knife to cut the apple, and he finally had a reaction.

"I'll come, be careful to hit you." The clear voice was full of worry.

Yu Chu: "..."

Just peel an apple!

The fruit knife in his hand was taken away by the other party, and the pair of white fingers carefully cut the apple and handed it over.

Yu Chu took it, took a bite of the apple, and was very puzzled.

The people next to her kept staring at her.

The girl pursed her lips and carefully handed over the apple in her hand, "Will you take a bite too?"

Yan Mu lowered her eyes and took a light bite along the place where she had bitten.

This man's mood was low until the night, Yu Chu was hugged by him honestly for a few hours, and the other party finally returned to normal a little, and the body temperature became warmer, and finally no longer childishly wronged and cute.

When cooking in the evening, Officer Yan turned on the fire lazily, while Yu Chu prepared to help cut vegetables.

As soon as she picked up the kitchen knife, the slender young man frowned, his lazy expression disappeared, and he gently took down the kitchen knife, "I'll just come."

Yu Chu was kicked out of the kitchen inexplicably.

I always feel that that dream seems to have sequelae...

Since then, the no-nonsense police officer has become very clingy. Sticking until Yu Chu roared every minute.

Going for a walk on the beach the next day, she happened to be chatting and laughing with the girls around her, and she was suddenly picked up by the person next to her. Yu Chu turned her head in confusion, Yan Mushuang's snow-like eyes raised, and she frowned. She said to her worriedly: "You are about to step on the shell."

Yu Chu: "..."

The girls next to her all wanted to laugh, but they looked envious and their emotions were very complicated.

Originally, they were walking and chatting together, and the boyfriends all dispersed to play. Only the lazy and cold little brother of the Yu Chu family followed silently.

He was indifferent and didn't talk to him, just quietly accompanied him. Occasionally he raised his hand to help his girlfriend straighten her hair behind her ear, or silently supported her shoulder when she was laughing.

The girls blushed at the details of these actions, and looked at each other with obvious envy.

They were completely knocked down by dog ​​food. The night before they left the beach, everyone had a barbecue together. The cold man quietly peeled the shrimp shells for his girlfriend. He didn't seem to like eating greasy food.

Yu Chu ate it with relish, oil on his lips, turned his head and asked Yan Mu to hand over the tissue.

Then everyone saw that Yan Mu turned her head, leaned over naturally, pressed her fair cheeks to hers, covered her thin lips, and licked the corners of her lips slightly for her.

Yu Chu, who was about to get a tissue, was stunned.

The girls who were watching the whole process blushed.

... When they finally left the beach, everyone hurriedly greeted them and left after saying a few words. It looks like I don't want to eat dog food anymore...

Yu Chu helplessly dragged her boyfriend back.

Since that weird nightmare, this person doesn't know what strange switch has been turned on...

Clingy and overly considerate.

But such a pampered life...

Not bad.

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