100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1535 You are the glory (5)


The original owner would be embarrassed not to use his mother's money, but Yu Chu would not be so hypocritical.

The team and the club have to worry about their own affairs, and of course take good care of their own body.

She had just eaten instant noodles, but she was still a little hungry. After thinking about it, she ordered a fruit.

Qinglang immediately grabbed the phone and went to order.

Yu Chu glanced at the boys.

On their still green faces, there was also a trace of excitement that hadn't faded away. Obviously, they had just watched the live broadcast of the international competition. These boys who love e-sports were very excited about the news that HG won the international championship.

Yu Chu smiled slightly and said, "Today is a big day in the e-sports circle, so I won't train at night. You guys can go out and play, and you can pay for it."

Several boys were dumbfounded.

The original owner used to focus on breaking out of the world and stared at them very strictly for practice. Several boys were used to this kind of pressure. Today, it was suddenly announced that they were on vacation. Several people were stunned and did not respond.

"Boss, are you serious?" the youngest boy couldn't help but asked again with a wink.

Yu Chu smiled and nodded.

The boys looked at each other, jumped up and cheered, high-fives, and turned in circles: "Ah! I'm so happy! HG won the championship! The boss also gave us a vacation!"

"Just think about where to play!"

Yu Chu looked at their excited expressions, pursed his lips and smiled, and turned upstairs by himself.

She pushed open the door of her room, walked in, turned on the computer, and clicked the "Frontier" game icon.

She decided to do research.

Yu Chu flipped through some strategies, and then played a few single-player games by himself. At first, she was matched with a low-end game. The role she played was simple and rude, and the operation was basically not difficult, but she won easily.

After figuring out the rules, Yu Chu became interested in e-sports. This sport tests many abilities - thinking ability and overall situation control, Yu Chu has no problem.

The only thing missing is responsiveness. Only after years of training and forming a kind of muscle memory can you maximize your reflexes.

She tried a few more mid-end games, and she only lost one mid-end game when she knew the rules and the situation. In this round, when he was finally recruited, he flashed early and was recruited by a big recruit.

The other party was obviously experienced, and actually made a fake move, and the real big move was delayed for a second. Yu Chu silently remembered it in his heart, and then invited the other party to match.

This time she completed the opening spike.

-Remorse is serious.

Yu Chu understood and remembered the game very quickly, and he digested the game strategy by himself.

She tapped the keyboard, thoughtfully.

She doesn't have time to practice muscle memory, and her hands are not as good as the gods...but she doesn't need to compete.

The original owner's team is called the Zhiwei team.

This team just lacks a coach.

Why can't she be herself... She is not familiar with the operation, but she can study this game thoroughly.

Yu Chuxun decided.

For the next month, she basically stayed in the room, flipped through various strategies, and watched a lot of game videos to ensure that her thinking was correct.

She also followed hg's live account.

After all, the royal team of the people's e-sports circle.

Among them, the most valuable research is undoubtedly Jiang Shen's live broadcast. But in the past month, he has only broadcasted it once, which made Yu Chu feel a little regretful.

If only there were a lot of his videos...

She thought, and suddenly her eyes lit up.

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