100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1539 You are the glory (9)


"We know, thank you for your concern. It's not that he didn't rest well..." The captain looked at the boy who was sleeping peacefully, feeling a little helpless, "He's rather lethargic."

The team called him the God of Sleep, and apart from the necessary exercise every day, Jiang Chen could fall asleep in minutes.

Fans reluctantly left.

Yu Chu brought the poured tea to the members.

"Today's exhibition game, shouldn't Jiang Shen be more awake," Chinchilla said helplessly, "Every time I play, I'm lazy. If I were his opponent, I'd be gnashing my teeth when I saw his expression that wasn't serious."

Ming Lan couldn't help laughing, "Are you going to wake him up?"

Totoro: "..."

He resolutely persuaded and shrank his head, "I still can't, disturbing Jiang Shen's sleep is a death penalty."

Ming Lan nodded in agreement, "You are acquainted."

Yu Chu was silent by the side.

Hmm...cute...is that such a nasty personality? It makes me a little nervous all of a sudden.

She also molested him as a girl.

Then the vest will never be exposed, and it will only be used when gaining experience in battles.

Anyway, she has been teasing him as a girl, and her tone is rough like a big man, he should not have thought that that number is used by a girl...

Yu Chuxun didn't panic after he made the decision, and continued to listen to their conversation calmly.

The other three couldn't sit still and went out after chatting for a while. Ming Lan was relatively quiet, sitting on the sand and reading a book for a while, then took out his phone and played a game.

Of course, he turned on mute.

After a few minutes, the boy on the sand opened his eyes. The originally dark and dark eyes were now somewhat ignorant, revealing the confusion of just waking up.

But the confusion was like an illusion, and it quickly dissipated from his eyes. Jiang Chen sat up from the sand, and the silver team obeyed him and slipped down.

He raised his hand casually, and raised his white fingers around the neckline, "How long until we start?"

Ming Lan glanced at the time, "Half an hour."

Jiang Chen didn't speak, his throat felt a little dry, and he was about to get up to get a water glass when a slender hand suddenly stretched out in front of him and put a cup of tea in front of him.

Jiang Chen was startled.

This cup of tea came at the right time, he looked up along the hand and saw a peaked cap.

The brim covered the girl's face.

After she straightened up, she also lowered her head, and her hat covered half of her face, so she couldn't see her specific appearance.

Jiang Chen glanced at it and then withdrew his gaze, raised his hand to hold the water glass, put it to his lips and took a sip.

Tea is a little weak.

He likes things on the sweet side, so he takes a sip and puts it down, ready to reach for the sugar spoon.

But this time, just as he put down the cup, that slender and beautiful hand stretched out again, skillfully scooping up a moderate amount of sugar and putting it into the cup.

Jiang Chen blinked his curled eyelashes.

He looked up again.

The girl was still standing with her head bowed.

For Yu Chu, after getting along with so many planes, she is of course familiar with Little Cutie's liking.

Jiang Chen pursed his lips, but felt a little strange. The other party's actions were too natural, and it was as if he had predicted his intentions in advance...

He picked up the cup and took a sip.

The sweetness is just right.

After Ming Lan played two games, he also got up and pushed the door to go out. Jiang Chen sat alone on the sand and closed his eyes again calmly, with a cold expression.

He suddenly felt a shadow caged over.

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