100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1542 You are the glory (12)


Jiang Chen chose the character and went straight to the mid lane after the game started.

In this kind of competition, everyone will test each other at the beginning. Everyone understands the necessity of education. It is meaningless to fight before reaching level 6. Both sides are professional players, so it will not be so easy to give away in the early stage.

If it is normal, even Jiang Shen, who is invincible in the single game, is not in the mood to fight at the beginning.

There's enough time anyway.

There's nothing to do anyway...

But this time was different. Fans watched helplessly on the screen, Jiang Shen's assassin role went to the mid laner.

The camera gave a close-up of the young man. The delicate and fair appearance caused the scene to scream, with his usual coldness, and the light on the screen reflected the beautiful profile.

The screen was playing the screen of placing an order, and the commentator was introducing it in a calm tone, but the screen suddenly switched to the mid laner, and the assassin went straight to the opponent.

The opponent was hit by a skill, and after half of his blood was lost, he quickly hid in the tower.

It stands to reason that it is absolutely impossible to follow the opponent's defense tower, and it is time to retreat at this time.

But the assassin with the capital "Js" name on his head broke into the tower with arrogance!

The commentator was introducing endlessly, but his voice changed when he saw this scene: "Both sides didn't move much, yes, this is also in line with the rules of large-scale competitions, let's test each other... Ah! My God! Jiang Shen is doing it. Well - didn't he see the turret?"

The three commentators exclaimed directly in the live broadcast without concealment... I was really frightened.

In large-scale competitions, the nicknames will be in English. Jiang Chen's Shenzi and Shen are homophonic, so the nickname is undisputedly capitalized Js - at this time, fans screamed and saw that Js attacked in the opponent's defense tower!


The other party is not residual blood, and the blood volume is still half, how can it be so easy to be taken away? !

Besides, there are also blood-sucking towers!

There was an uproar at the scene, and many fans stood up excited and worried.

In the camera, Jiang Chen is still calm, his dark eyes are looking at the screen, there is no special expression on his face, as if he is not the one who entered the tower.

Totoro whispered: "Brother, are you crazy?"

The boy's voice was lazy: "Take your order, leave me alone, come over in ten seconds."

Totoro screamed strangely: "It's just a wave at the beginning? Brother, what's the matter with you today! So ruthless!"

"Shut up." The calm two words made Chinchilla pouted cowardly, and rushed away from the order in aggrieved.

In the enemy's defense tower, the assassin is almost chasing the opponent, and the high-end technology of skills and positioning makes it too late for the opponent to flash, and is directly killed.

A blood!

How long does it take to start! Just got a blood!

The screams of the fans almost knocked the ceiling over.

After the first blood, the screen enters the playback, and the whole process of winning the first blood is replayed, and the tone of the commentary is full of excitement. This is definitely the fastest blood to start!

"Jiang Shen—"

"He's so handsome!"

In previous games, even in a hurry, there was no such arrogant style of play!

Moreover, Jiang Shen has always been lazy in team competitions, and will not show such a crazy operation.

However, this was originally an exhibition match, and the show operation was very necessary. The fans were all convinced by this one-handed murder. The atmosphere at the scene was extremely warm, and many people were shouting "Jiang Shen Jiang Shen"...

Only Jiang Chen glanced at the time.

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