100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1547 You are the glory (17)


actually remember.

Yu Chu rolled his eyes, suddenly remembered the signature that was regarded as a fake, and wanted to find a chance to mention it.

The fans next to him were envious of Jiang Shen taking the initiative to talk to him, and the group walked into the hall.

They can experience the feeling of playing games with professional gaming chairs and cameras here.

Before that, a welfare video was played in the exhibition hall, which was a recorded video of the hg team training.

It is absolutely invisible from the outside.

Ten people sat in the lower row, looking up at the screen.

The young man sat on the far left, his dark eyes staring at the screen lightly, his Adam's apple moved slightly, one hand rested on the back of the chair, and the other rested on the table at will.

Snow-white long fingers tapped casually on the table, jumping like a elf, Yu Chu stared at that hand.

The hand suddenly stopped moving.

The girl was startled, looked up at Jiang Chen, and met those dark eyes, which were dark.

His other arm was still on the back of the chair, and the team uniform was not pulled up, revealing the snow-white short sleeves inside.

The beauty of this scene is very shocking. In the sunshine, the boy's eyebrows and eyes are exquisite and picturesque, the eyelashes are thick, the thin lips are like thick petals under the high nose bridge.

After the two looked at each other, he suddenly turned his eyes away, and the pure black earrings reflected light.

After watching the video, they all turned on the computer at the camera, logged in to their accounts and prepared to try a few games.

Yu Chu originally wanted to join her own e-sports trumpet account, but the dignified Jiang Shen was by her side... She fingered her fingers and cleverly switched to other accounts.

The person next to him didn't turn on the computer.

He didn't even have to play with the fans.

After Yu Chu logged into his account, he decided to hide his strength a little. She played a few games with Jiang Shen with the trumpet of the [e-sports industry leader], and was very worried about what he saw.

The god of teasing e-sports is a girl! This behavior alone was enough for Jiang Shen to put her on the blacklist.

Jiang Chen watched calmly from the side.

The girl stretched her hand behind her ear and kept her eyes fixed on the game interface on the screen.

The slender fingers tapped on the table, and Jiang Chen suddenly raised his hand to get the water cup on the table.

The water glass was placed in front of Yu Chu's table, and when he reached out to take it, the two suddenly drew closer.

The tall and tall young man leaned over, and the silvery white suddenly enlarged in her sight, and went around with the light fragrance on his body, cold and bewitching.

At that moment, he was so close that he could feel the breath of the other party, and it swept across the top of his forehead indifferently.

From the perspective of others, it is like a slender young man holding someone in his arms.

But at this time, everyone was testing the equipment novelly, and Jiang Chen was just holding the cup. After a moment's approach, he stepped back and left indifferently.

No one else noticed this moment.

Jiang Chen's eyes swept across the girl's computer screen lightly, then moved away and turned on the computer by himself.

The leader turned his head and saw that the uncle had also turned on the computer, he couldn't help but be stunned: "God Jiang?"

The boy turned his eyes and glanced at him.

The leader bit his head and asked: "Is Jiang Shen going to play a game here? The equipment here..."

"It's alright." The young man looked away casually, paused, and said, "There is still a live broadcast this month, so let's just take them to play."

Leader: "..."

He dropped his jaw again.

HG has signed a contract with the live broadcast company, and there is a live broadcast time every month.

But how can this person care!

The other players will also go live to bring fans...

But when did he care about it?

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