100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1549 You are the glory (19)


Therefore, one blood is Yu Chu's.

Two kills, three kills, four kills are still Yu Chu's...

She had a great time picking up people's heads, and the other three people in the team naturally saw the clue.

A line of words popped up in the chat channel.

[Little Snowflake]: Little brother is amazing!

Yu Chu glanced at it.

This little snowflake uses a mage character and is rushing from the order to the middle order.

[Xiao Xuehua]: Little brother, will you take me with you too? People also want to pick up people's heads~

Seeing that the other party didn't answer for a long time, she said coquettishly again: "Don't be partial, little brother, I'm also your teammate! And I'm better than her!"

Yu Chu was instantly disgusted.

This kind of girl is often seen in the game, acting like a spoiled child and begging to bring something. The average girl will be very cute, and the boys are also willing to bring girls. But the girl in front of her, the words were too uncomfortable.

Yu Chu snorted softly.

Jiang Chen didn't pay attention to the chat channel at all.

He was gently pulling the last person to a state of residual blood, ready to let the girl pick up the five kills, but when his fingertips were still on the keyboard, he heard the other person snort.

The boy turned his head to look subconsciously, but one of his subordinates didn't pay attention and put away the head of the man with the residual blood.

He paused.

Originally planned to give her five kills, but this time it was equivalent to intercepting it by myself. Jiang Chen's dark and beautiful pupils glanced at the chat channel, and also saw Xiao Xuehua's words, and understood why the girl was cold.

He narrowed his eyes and typed.

[Shen sss]: Sorry I was wrong qaq

With a calm expression, the snow-white long fingers jumped lightly and effortlessly typed out the words of acknowledgment.

——This sentence came out of the chat channel.

The studio was quiet.

The chat channel is quiet.

Yu Chu next to him was also quiet.

In the eyes of the people in the game, this great god named Shen sss also seems to be the one who speaks less.

And the operation is really too high-end, people can't help but guess which professional player this is.

Even if they were obviously leading people to play games, they initially thought they were apprentices or something.

But the great god cut off the head with a slippery hand, but immediately admitted his mistake in the chat channel, and even sold...

Someone in the chat channel couldn't help but ask:


That little snowflake has long since stopped talking. Being ignored completely, and the great god directly stated that he favored his girlfriend, her words suddenly became very embarrassing.

In the live broadcast room, because the comments were turned off, the two parties did not see a scene of wailing.

The most common comment is:

"Jiang Shen! You are so cute!"

The impression of Jiang Shen in the hearts of fans is very clear, that is, he is cold, very cold, he does not respond to anything, and his expression is always calm and cold.

He said "I was wrong" even if...

Still using facial expressions? ! What the hell is qaq! !

Fans suddenly felt two arrows in their hearts.

One arrow is a male god, but he is cute to others!

One arrow is, the trough is really cute...

Yu Chu was also taken aback for a moment. Since she came into contact with Little Cutie, the character of the other party was quite cold. She was suddenly so cute, so she quickly consoled her on the channel.

[Chuchu moving]: It's alright, touch~

Although this answer doesn't seem right...

But it was the Great God who said something strange first, and Yu Chu really didn't know how to reply before it was normal.

After she typed this sentence, she noticed that Jiang Chen, who was beside her, turned her head, and her beautiful pupils looked at herself.

She also looked back.

The young man's expression was a little lazy, he stared at her and looked away.

Lips curled up.

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