100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1560 You are the glory (30)


"Isn't it?" Yu Chu's face stiffened. Why don't idols follow the routine? Is the glory of the Great God a trophy or something? She meant to compliment him.

The other party was silent for a while, but nodded, his voice casual, "I see."

Yu Chu: ? ? ?

what do you know?

"Where do you want to play?" The other party turned his eyes away and asked plainly, "I'll accompany you."

Yu Chu pursed his lips and thought about it. Is it a video game city... There are too many people, so this kind of disaster should be taken less often to places with many people. Although wearing a mask, it is really beautiful enough to be recognized by a few more glances.

There are no movies to watch so late.

There is also a live e-sports game nearby, but this one is a top-level god, and he is dragged to watch the e-sports game, which feels a bit wronged.

Why don't you just hit the road for a while.

"Are you in a hurry to go back to training?" Yu Chu asked.

The other side shook his head lightly, "It's not like I've been training all the time...Tonight," he said here, suddenly paused, and the white earlobes in the hat turned red again, "I'll accompany...to accompany you tonight."

fuck. Can you take a break?

The young man rubbed his ears, the coolness of the earrings and the warmth of the earlobes formed a clear contrast.

How to get close?

"There's a big aquarium nearby," the girl suggested. "Why don't you go there and see?"

"Okay." Jiang Shen said nothing.

The two went to buy tickets and walked into the aquarium.

Go up the stairs in the center, there are transparent glass on both sides, all kinds of fish swim around in it, like being in the ocean in a trance.

Yu Chu touched his nose.

Little cute doesn't seem to be interested in these fish, walking alone beside her, the black figure looks lazy and cold, looking at the glass lightly with her head sideways.

At this time, there were not many people in the museum, so he took off his mask and hat, folded the mask and put it in his coat pocket.

The pure black earrings around the boy's ears are even more treacherous and evil in this quiet and peaceful ocean.

The blue water reflected his delicate eyebrows, the water was sparkling, and the trance actually reflected a little tenderness.

Yu Chu was in a good mood across the glass, teasing the fish inside, Jiang Chen looked at her from behind, followed with calm steps, her thin lips slightly raised.

A beluga whale flapped its fins and stared at them with wet eyes with big dark eyes.

Yu Chu printed his hands on the glass, and the little white whale followed suit and printed his fins on the glass.

The girl was interested and leaned over to kiss it, and the little beluga also took a sip of the glass inside.

Yu Chu turned back and asked with a smile, "Isn't it cute?"

The teenager nodded, but there was no expression on his face, he just stared at the little white whale for a moment.

Yu Chu continued to walk forward.

Jiang Chen did not follow immediately, but quietly looked at the little beluga whale. After watching for a while, he hesitated slightly, and slowly walked forward with his long legs.

He looked at the little white whale.

The other party also looked at him innocently.

The young man stretched out a slender, snow-white hand, his five fingers lightly pressed against the glass, his slender figure leaned down, and his thin red lips were lightly imprinted on the spot just now.

In the glass, the little white whale tilted his head and looked at him.

Jiang Chen straightened up.

The dark and beautiful pupils looked at the little beluga, and the corners of his lips that had been indifferent finally twitched slightly.

Kissed her...keep it a secret.

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