100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1563 You are the glory (33)


But fortunately Jiang Chen himself didn't respond, just glanced at it and sat silently on the sand.

The Great God still looked like the Great God's arrogant coldness. He looked very calm. Seeing that she had stopped in place and did not move, he raised his eyes and looked over inquiringly.

Yu Chu smiled at him, turned and walked into the kitchen.

After the girl walked into the kitchen, the person sitting on the sand swept the posters, and a trace of obvious joy appeared in the originally dark eyes.

He propped his chin thoughtfully, staring at his poster on the wall.

A lot of it was when they were winning championships.

The person in the poster is holding a trophy, and on the team uniform, the colors of the gold and red team emblem are dazzling and dazzling.

Jiang Chen stared at his expression on the poster, it was indeed cold and calm, as if he didn't care.

He remembered the girl's words.


She said it was an honor.

Are there so many winning posters because they feel honored? In the eyes of people who like e-sports, a trophy that is nothing to me, symbolizes everything.

The young man was stunned for a long time, and suddenly lowered his eyes.

If this is the glory...

He seems to have a reason to chase trophies in this circle. Because that's what someone is after...

That is his glory.

The teenager looked at the posters on the wall, looked away after a while, leaned back on the sand lazily, and shrunk his long snow-white fingers into his pockets at will, when he suddenly touched the edge of a box, he paused.

In the dark and beautiful eyes, a trace of regret flashed.

If only I could use it right away...

Do not.


Wait, what is he thinking?

Jiang Chen withdrew his hand as if he was scalded, stood up from the sand with a blank face, and stared coldly ahead for a long while before he pursed his lips in a complicated mood.

Jiang Chen never thought—

I'm the kind of scumbag who thinks about this kind of thing in his head without even chasing anyone.

It's just that I was invited to the girl's house, and the relationship has not progressed. Isn't it time to think about how to make the other person's impression of you change? Changed from an e-sports idol to an ordinary boy who is suitable for love.

But he actually thinks about this...

The boy's eyes were dark and deep, he squinted his eyes, and felt that he was a scumbag in a complicated mood.

He took the box of condoms out of his pocket, glanced blankly, and decided to throw them away when he went out.

Yu Chu made the noodles, and while filling them up, he called out, "A Chen, the noodles are ready."

The boy in the living room walked over and saw that she was about to pick up the bowl, took a step forward subconsciously, and raised his delicate eyebrows, "Hot, let me come."

Yu Chu smiled and let go.

Jiang Chen took the noodles out, and the two sat down on the sand. He lowered his head and took a bite of the noodles. The hot aroma came over his face, staining his long eyelashes.

The teenager who had already eaten dinner ate the noodles little by little, without any reluctance at all.

The rain was pattering outside, very quiet.

Yu Chu was halfway through eating the noodles, when he heard a sudden ding-dong bell outside.

She was a little puzzled. Who would it be so late?

Jiang Chen also raised his eyes, the dark eyes of the young man looked at her with a quiet expression.

"I'll take a look." Yu Chu said, got up and walked towards the entrance, opening the door.

A boy from the team stood in front of the door with a bag in his hand. When he saw Yu Chu, he grinned and showed his white teeth, and said with a smile, "Boss, you haven't slept yet! I'll bring you something... "

In the living room, the boy's movements paused slightly.

He didn't hear anything specific, but he could tell... it was a boy's voice.

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