100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1574 You are the glory (44)


Jiang Shenqing's cold eyes reflected her shadow.

"No misunderstanding..."

he murmured in a low voice.

Leng Ran's voice was slightly hoarse, he suddenly leaned over slightly, and leaned over his thin, bright lips. In order to prevent himself from dying, he didn't kiss the corner of the other's lips, but just lightly landed on her cheek.

The touch under the thin lips was soft, Jiang Chen stepped back after just touching it, his straight back lightly bumped against the wall behind him, he turned his face, the tips of his ears were red, but his expression was still as calm as in the championship video.

"Understood?" he asked softly.

Yu Chu couldn't help but want to laugh again. This guy is shy and can't tell his confession. He feels that kissing his face will show his intentions?

The girl blinked: "I don't understand."

Jiang Chen paused, his long and thick eyelashes covered his embarrassment, and the wicked earring, on the crimson ear, even showed a bit of cuteness.

Just as he didn't know what to do, the girl suddenly pulled him down, then stood on tiptoe, with a smile in her tone, "Jiang Shen, are you saying this?"

Her lips pressed up.

The boy's entire body suddenly stiffened into a sculpture, his dark and beautiful eyes widened instantly, and a deep color dipped in Yu Chu's eyes, his long eyelashes trembled slightly, and even his breathing stopped.

Thin lips are very soft, with a slight fragrance, lingering the cold breath of this person.

About kissing, Jiang Chen listened to someone in the team who had a girlfriend said that it was sweet and soft, like cotton candy.

The former Jiang Shen was naturally very disdainful.

Not only disdain, but also disgust, and even disgust.

He never liked to hear about his girlfriend, because he was very impatient when asked by reporters, and when he heard the topic of love, his temper became gloomy.

Later, the members of HG didn't dare to mention it.

In the e-sports circle, teenagers are like an anomaly.

I never feel happy and excited because of winning or winning the championship. That face is always cold, and even when I am in a bad mood, I am full of cold air.

Professional players have a good relationship with girls. Those who are better in the circle basically have girlfriends, but only Jiang Shenqing has few desires and never mentions love, and even bothers others to mention it to him.

At this time, he was kissed by a girl on tiptoe. The other party's lips pressed against the thin lips, and the slight touch was like an electric current. While Jiang Chen stiffened, he could hear his own heartbeat very clearly, and the tips of his ears burned him. Not daring to reach out to touch it, the boy's breathing was slightly disordered.

In a daze, he remembered the marshmallows that the team members once said, and a vague thought flashed in the dazed mind of the young man... It was obviously jelly candy.

Good...so soft. So sweet.

I really want to...

He suddenly raised his hand, his slender, fair-colored fingers gently clasped the back of the girl's head, his thin lips opened fiercely and bit down, holding the girl's lower lip, ruthlessly and carefully, with mixed emotions, and the tip of his tongue licked She licked the softness between her lips, her heart beating like she was going to die.

Clearly too shy.

But, I really like it...

The young man blushed, his white cheeks were obviously crimson, his eyelashes trembled slightly, he wanted to cover his face with his claws, and silently shrank to sort out his emotions.

But how would you be willing.

So I had to blush to death, and while trying to calm my heartbeat, biting the other person fiercely, the tip of my tongue went in between my lips, evoking softness, and I felt a heartbeat that was even more crushing in this kind of intimacy, but because of this heartbeat , the more you want to get more.

...it's a vicious cycle of torture.

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