100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1581 You are the glory (51)


Yu Chu suppressed his mood.

She still believes in cuteness, but she can't reveal her identity. What kind of words should she use to ask clearly...

[E-sports industry leader]: Don't you like your daughter-in-law very much, the first kiss is not for others?

Jiang Chen was slightly startled, then frowned.

[Shen S]: No, my daughter-in-law didn't know. We had indirect kisses on a date before.

Jiang Chen typed out this line of words expressionlessly, stared at the word indirect kiss, and was slightly stunned.

Because of the training, the two didn't see much time together, and he actually missed it a little...

Yu Chu was completely confused.

[The leader of the e-sports industry]: Are you dating?

How could she not remember dating. We only went out together once, and that was also because of the fan meeting——

and many more.

Yu Chu understood.

She raised her eyebrows amusedly, and then asked, "You and your daughter-in-law dated without a certain relationship?"

Jiang Chen coughed slightly.

[Shen s]: No, I found a reason.

So that's it - completely sold myself without my knowledge.

When Yu Xiaohu got the information, she was satisfied, and at the same time it was funny. She stared at the chat record on the screen, thought about it, and called the other party with her mobile phone.

After the call was made over there, the young boy's cold voice was still the same as usual, "Chuchu?"

From this calm and melodious voice, I couldn't hear the cute and cute feeling just now.

Yu Chu smiled and whispered, "A Chen, are you free tonight? Come to my house for dinner."

It was suddenly quiet there.

For a few seconds, only light breathing was heard, and the boy over there was silent for a while, then seemed to restrain his shyness and replied in a low voice, "Oh..."

Yu Chu suddenly felt a little melancholy.

The little cutie who blushes so easily, looks calm on the surface, but when you tease him, he blushes. The last time he kissed, his heartbeat was thumping, if later...

Wouldn't he blush to death.

She shook her head: "Then it's settled, come to my house after you finish training."

"it is good."

After hanging up the phone, Yu Chu was about to use the trumpet, and then said a few words to Jiang Shen, when a line suddenly popped up on the screen: "I'm down, my daughter-in-law called me."

Yu Chu was slightly taken aback.

She called it night! It's only afternoon!

Yu Chu raised his hand to type, dumbfounded.

[The leader of the e-sports industry]: Uh, what are you calling me for?

[Shen s]: Ask me to have dinner together at night.

[The leader of the e-sports world]: ... But girl, it's only afternoon, it's still early in the evening.

[Shen s]: I want to tell my teammates.

[The leader of the e-sports world]:  …

[Shen S]: There are also coaches and youth training teams.

[E-sports industry leader]: Tell them what to do?

[Shen s]: Happy.

Yu Chu covered his face, unimaginable, it turns out that the great god is such a character who likes to show affection... and is it so easy to satisfy? It's just a meal together, so happy that you want to tell others around you?

I am so happy to be with this guy.

Yu Chu smiled slightly.

[Shen s]: By the way, do you have another half?

[The leader of the e-sports industry]: No, what's the matter?

There slowly returned two words.

[Shen s]: Poor.

His tone seemed to be somewhat pitiful.

Yu Chu's face froze: "..."

Then, she saw that the other party's avatar was dark, and she probably had left the game and went offline.

But... just leave, what's the matter with hurting a single dog before leaving!

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