100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1585 You are the glory (55)


Yu Chu felt that Little Cutie's mood seemed to change in an instant, her shallow breathing poured lightly on her cheeks, and that person's eyes that were so close at hand darkened in an instant, as if there was no light. black hole.

Yu Chu was cowardly and happy.

Ahaha, tell you to scare me.

She blinked and watched the person in front of her slowly retreat. Those dark and beautiful eyes stared at her quietly and peacefully. He raised his slender and white fingers, and the fingertips gently rubbed against her lips. deep color.

Yu Chu opened his lips to explain, but the other party leaned over extremely fiercely, and kissed his thin lips heavily.

It's like covering something.

The slender lips were pressed against her lower lip, and the long snow-white fingers pinched the girl's chin. She had to slightly open her lips, and when the lips rubbed, the other party's warm tongue came in coldly, and he kissed domineeringly and ruthlessly. Ruthless, as if suppressing his temper, Yu Chu's back was against the wall, pressed tightly, and he could hardly breathe in the fierce kiss.

In the silent space, the sound of the clock ticking was orderly, except for the intertwined breathing during the kiss and the ambiguity of the intertwined lips and tongues.

Yu Chu couldn't help grabbing the hem of the boy's clothes. He was tall and slender, and when he leaned down, he could circle her completely. Yu Chu opened his eyes wide and saw the fair side of the boy's face close at hand. Grim earrings, you can also see the poster on the opposite wall.

On the poster, holding the trophy, the slender and cold silver-white, or the cold e-sports god, was pressed and kissed under this contrast, which made Yu Chu's mind suddenly feel a little unreal.

"Hmm..." She wanted to push him away to explain, but she was so suppressed that she couldn't move, Yu Chu had to turn her face slightly, but the next second, she was turned back by that beautiful hand holding her chin, thin Lips pressed together again irresistibly, and continued the hot and ambiguous kiss.

Yu Chu couldn't resist, so he could only let him kiss silently, and the girl's narrowed eyes were watery.

She stopped resisting, Jiang Chen's sanity seemed to return a little, he panted slightly, his fragrant and hot breath entangled together, the young man bit her lips lightly, and finally slowly backed away, his eyelashes drooping.

There was silence between the two.

After a long time, the boy said, "I'm sorry."

His long eyelashes covered his eyes, and he couldn't see the look in the bottom of his eyes, but he gently raised his hand and rubbed the edge of her lips, "...Does it hurt you?"

Yu Chu was still a little stunned at first, but only now did he realize that he was apologizing for not suppressing his emotions and kissing her fiercely regardless of resistance.

Really... he clearly cares about this.

She rubbed the boy on tiptoe, "It's fine, but Ah Chen... do you mind this?"

Teenage meal.

He lowered his mood again, hugged her silently, buried his head on the girl's shoulder, and shook his head.

"It's just me in the future," he said.

Yu Chu wanted to laugh when he heard this.

He obviously cares a lot, but he is still duplicitous.

She rubbed Juvenile Broken, looked up at the ceiling, and sighed: "Hey, but what should I do, anyway, I lost my first kiss, and I gave it to the little beluga at the aquarium! You can only mind if you mind. "

Jiang Chen was startled and raised his eyes.

The girl blinked innocently at him.

"That's what you're talking about?" the boy asked coldly.

Yu Chu tilted his head: "Otherwise? I've never had a boyfriend, and I've never kissed anyone..."

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