100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1591 You are the glory (61)


In the screams and shouts of the audience, the two people who embraced each other seemed to be a perfect match. A slender and silvery boy, and the youngest girl coach in the e-sports circle.

When HG presented the awards, Jiang Shen pulled his girlfriend over, and after getting the gold medal, he handed it over to her and put it on for her. He even rolled his eyes and patted her head lightly.

Outside of the camera, the audience has a mouthful of dog food.

This kind of girlfriend coach didn't win the championship, so the boyfriend personally gave away the trophy and medal... It's really satisfying while being abused.

So the game ended, HG returned empty-handed, Chinchilla laughed like a fool, everyone covered their mouths and watched Jiang Shen accompany his girlfriend to hold the trophy, and escorted him back in person.

The Zhiwei team is even more satisfied. Anyway, that trophy is going to be placed in the training building! Although they were only runners-up in the end, they still won the trophy!

After the game, the topic of the scene was still talked about. The dreamy confession, in the swirling golden ribbon, the voice of the always cold god was gentle and soft, which made people feel more cherished.

One month until the end of the game.

This is Jiang Shen's last season in e-sports competitions, and his contract will expire in a few months. Jiang Shen has made it clear that he will not renew it.

A generation of legends is about to retire.

In fact, he is only twenty years old, and he can continue to play for a long time, but when hg mentioned this in the interview, he joked with a smile that Jiang Shen must go back to inherit the family property, so he will still leave e-sports.

The reporters who interviewed were all joking. Only the mother who saw the interview knew that this was the truth.

She glanced at the two people beside her.

The daughter turned on the faucet to wash the vegetables, and Young Master Jiang chased her away: "The water is cold, don't touch cold water, you should have a stomachache again next month."

The daughter pouted and turned to take a knife to cut vegetables. Young Master Jiang chased her away: "Be careful, I'm coming, don't take a knife, this thing is dangerous."

"Then I'm cooking?"

"Stay away from the fire."


The girl puffed out her cheeks, obviously feeling very unhappy in the repeated rejections.

Jiang Chen glanced at her, rubbed over and kissed her on the top, "Dear me, I'll cook for you."

Ji Mu: "..."

I'm sorry I can't stand it anymore.

She originally planned to stay for dinner, but finally decided to say hello and left first.

The slender figure of the young man shuttled in the kitchen, Yu Chu came out to see Ji Mu, and couldn't help sighing.

Ji's mother glanced at her: "someone dotes on you so much, why are you sighing? When I gave birth to you, your father did not dote on you as much as your boyfriend..."

Yu Chu: "..."

She sighed again, "If I am taken care of like this again, I will become unable to take care of myself sooner or later."

Ji Mu couldn't help laughing. After pondering for a few seconds, her eyes softened and she said, "He really loves you."

Yu Chu looked at her.

"Do you remember the first time I saw him?" Ji Mu smiled and shook her head. "He sent me out and told me that I should be ashamed that I didn't treat you as well as him."

Yu Chu was stunned for a moment.

... Is this what Little Cutie told Ji Mu?

Seeing that she seemed a little stunned, Ji's mother smiled and said, "Treasure it well, you will be very happy."

After seeing off Ji Mu, the girl went back to the kitchen, looked at the people inside, and suddenly walked over, sticking sticky behind her and hugging him, her head resting on him.

Jiang Chen turned his head slightly, his voice was always cold, and asked calmly, "What's wrong?"

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