100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1598 You are the glory (68)


【Special Extra·Daily】


"Ahhh! I didn't win again!"

A primary school angrily threw the mouse and collapsed on the seat angrily.

A long woman was passing by. Hearing that, he glanced at him and said slowly, "Little boy, be careful not to break my mouse."

The pupil pouted angrily.

"Also," Yu Chu said, and wrote another note in the notebook in his hand, "You are still a primary school student, you don't have an ID card, and you can't enter an Internet cafe. I promise to let you play three times a month, which is already three times. Oh."

The primary school student's face collapsed, lying on the chair coquettishly and cute: "Sister, don't~ Sister, you are the best!"

Yu Chu glanced at him with a smile, "I still agreed after seeing that your operation was good. If you are a student, study hard. You have great potential. In the future, universities can apply for e-sports majors. Many schools have opened them."

"That's still a long time." The primary school student said in distress.

Yu Chu thought for a while, "Then you keep studying, and if you get good grades, you can play a few more times."

Although this child is still young, good seedlings do need to be touched frequently to maintain the feel.

"No problem!" The child's eyes lit up immediately.

Yu Chu smiled and shook his head.

"Sister, I have matched several games, and they seem to be professional players! Can't beat it!"

The child glanced at the computer screen, suddenly scratched his head in distress, and pouted.

"Huh? Let me see." Yu Chu heard the words, raised his eyebrows slightly, then put down the pen and paper, and pulled out the chair.

She glanced at the previous match.

This little guy really has a lot of potential. He is so young and only plays a few times a month. He has successfully entered the high-end game, and many of the matches are professional players.

Yu Chu also hadn't touched the game for a long time.

Now, the former members of the Zhiwei team have almost retired, and the new players have already found a coach, so she doesn't need to watch the training all the time.

The day was quiet at once.

Yu Chu had nothing to do, so he opened an Internet cafe.

She is now a famous Mrs. Jiang.

The reason why it is said to be famous is because Jiang Chen, as the new head of the Jiang family, the candidate of his wife is naturally the attention of all parties in the upper circle.

It's just that Young Master Jiang protects his sweet wife too well. Countless people tried to get to know him through Madam Jiang, but they were blocked back, so Yu Chu lived a leisurely life.

After much deliberation, she decided to open an Internet cafe by herself. It was a fulfilling life, and she thought that if it was the original owner, she would have liked this arrangement too.

Seeing the familiar interface at this time, she couldn't help but smile, tap her fingertips, and choose a number to enter.

"Sister, can you also play this game?" The child next to him looked up and asked curiously.

"Yes." Yu Chu raised his eyebrows.

Seeing her id, the child first widened his eyes, then burst out laughing, and finally rubbed his stomach with laughter, "Sister, you are too arrogant!"

[The leader of the e-sports industry].


Children know that this kind of name in the game will basically be attacked by the enemy, because it is too arrogant and annoying. He had met before, what kind of id like [the opposite is spicy chicken]...

With such a name, isn't it just looking for a fight!

He suggested: "Sister, change it."

Yu Chu is a stubborn woman: "No change."

She manipulated [the leader of the e-sports world] to log in to the game, found the team match just now, and started the battle.

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