100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1600 You are the glory (70) at the end


【Special Extra·Jiang Shen】


Before he met the other party, he didn't know that he could blush like this.

This goes back to the first meeting.

That hand brought the cup and put it in front of him, she touched his eyelashes and helped him put sugar.

Since then, my heart has been beating fast.

This feeling was not obvious at first. He watched the hand put down the cup, and suddenly he didn't dare to look directly at the other party, so he pursed his lips and lowered his eyelashes, drinking water silently.

But then, the eyelashes were lightly touched by the other party, and the young man's heart instantly began to set off fireworks in circles, dazed and shy, and embarrassed to cover up.

He has always been expressionless, so he can cover up the past well and continue to be expressionless.

If he were a master of love, he would probably understand the feeling of temptation and would immediately ask the girl for her contact information, but he was too shy, so he was too busy covering his blush, obediently signed someone's autograph, and watched her helplessly. out the door, left.

Then can't find it.

After the young man finished the game, he disappeared, and his heart was almost lost and depressed.

What to do... I lost it.

I don't know how that month passed. HG felt that he had a bad temper that month, but they didn't know that it was the result of his best efforts to restrain himself.

Well, I still saw it.

Together with the fans, after he finally took the initiative to speak up, his cheeks were a little hot, but he still held his expression and looked at her quietly.

"Does Jiang Shen remember me?"


Always in mind.

He began to approach cautiously, endured shyness and added a game friend, and was willing to broadcast a live broadcast for her, silently looking for opportunities, and wanted to take her to play games alone.

Teammates' actions are sometimes disliked, so there is no reason to dislike her, even before picking up heads, he will think, so cute.

It was the first time he heard the affectionate address of A Chen, and he felt an unprecedentedly intense heartbeat. He held his phone almost at a loss, and held it a little further away from him, only to ease his blushing and heartbeat a little.

I really want to see her, but after thinking about it, it seems that apart from being an idol and a fan, the two have nothing to do with each other, so I had to find a reason casually.

Unprepared, she came on a date.

Jiang Chen saw from a distance that she was under the light sign, wearing a white dress, following his instructions, turned around and tiptoed to look at the light sign, she looked... so cute.

In fact, Jiang Chen doesn't pay attention to appearance. He has seen many beautiful girls, and he has never had any strange emotions, and he has never thought anyone was cute.

She is different.

It was a sweet and tortured date.

Sweet, of course, because of being together, even if you just go shopping and do nothing, you are already sweet and happy. But the torture... of course, because of the blushing.

Jiang Chen is really not a blushing character.

He is calm, composed, and extremely strong in psychology, and he still has a bit of ill-will in his bones.

But in front of her, she would actually be jealous like that, and naively gave the "rival in love" a box.

See, we are in this relationship, let's go.

- The subtext is like this.

He is a silent and quiet character, but when it comes to love, he can't hide his happiness.

He had no other wish, but wished that all her wishes could be fulfilled. There is a person's smiling face in this world, which is all the glory he pursues in this life.

nothing else needed. You are the glory.

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