100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1610 Angels and Demons (10)


She clearly only summoned an angel, but when she woke up, there was a little devil beside her...

She had a bad premonition in her heart, so she woke up the system and asked, "Are they... gods?"

The system confirmed: "Yes."

Yu Chu: "..."

She was trying to avoid them yesterday! Just wait until they merge into gods, and then go directly to gods...

But yesterday's summon, but cleverly avoided other angels, just summoned this one...

Perhaps because of the twin relationship, she clearly did not summon the devil, but the little devil also appeared.

Yu Chu stiffened for a while, then waved his hand weakly, letting the system continue to fall asleep.

She silently looked at the two eggs in front of her.

This is just great.

Two little cuties. how to do this...

She looked at the snow-white one here, then looked at the dark red one over there, and fell into a long silence.

The little angel was silent for a while, rolled around obediently, rolled over, and tilted her body toward her.

At first glance, he is a well-behaved and obedient boy.

She was half-kneeling by the bed, reached out and hugged the snow-white egg, rubbing her cheek against its eggshell.

The other party also shook slightly in response, the eggshell rubbed against her cheek, and the holy light flowed.

While it was quiet, Yu Chu suddenly felt that her hand had been touched. She turned her head and saw another dark red egg rolling over, bumping her finger.

Is this dissatisfaction?

Yu Chu suddenly felt very funny.

She straightened up, picked up the snow-white egg, put it in her arms, and looked at the dark red one.

The devil seemed stunned for a moment.

The little angel in her arms seemed to be very happy, the halo on the snow-white egg was brighter, and she was hugged obediently in her arms, motionless.

Immediately, Yu Chu was very amused to see that the dark red egg on the bed seemed to be very angry and turned around in a circle, then hit the bed board twice, and finally fell on the bed and rolled back and forth, so angry Black patterns emerge, and the lines are evil and gorgeous.

Yu Chu had no choice but to put down the snow-white egg first, and then pick up the little devil.

After all, one egg was as high as her knees, and she couldn't hold two at the same time.

The dark red egg was quiet.

The little angel who was put down was stunned again.

Yu Chu held the egg in his arms, looked down at the beautiful white egg on the bed, the other side slanted silently, then quietly rolled towards the pillow, lying on top of it and didn't move.


How cute are both of them?

Yu Chu looked at the one in his arms, then looked at the one on the bed, his head hurt again, and he let out a long sigh.

Now it's good to have two eggs...

What should I do when it hatches?

Why don't you just find a chance and leave them in the forest! Run to the mountain by yourself! Then get the divine grass and rush home, even if you don't have a patron saint!

The big deal is to let someone else inherit the throne first, and when these two merge into a god, she will go to the god and bring Xiao Kawai back to fight for the throne again.

Yu Chu thought about it and felt that the plan was feasible.

She really didn't know how to deal with it, two cute... Fortunately, these two angels and one demon would not be in any danger in the forest.

it is good! Throw!

Yu Chu made up his mind, put down the dark red eggs, and put them together.

She reached for the luggage next to her and turned to leave.

Both eggs froze.

In the next second, the beautiful snow white and the evil dark red instantly became irritable.

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