100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1618 Angels and Demons (18)


Yu Chu was lightly bumped, opened his eyes, and saw the dark red egg next to him, the egg body was slightly crooked, and the orange-red halo lingered on it, looking evil and beautiful, vaguely surrounded by black. pattern.

The little devil is awake?

Yu Chu rubbed his eyes, remembering that he brought the little angel all day today and put the devil in the cloak alone, so now he can't favor one over the other...

She felt a headache - the feeling of an old mother with two children.

I really don't dare to be biased at all.

She put the angel in it gently, and the snow-white egg slept peacefully and soundly.

Then, she reached out and hugged the little devil.

The dark red egg was held by her, and the unpleasant emotion dissipated slightly. It shook the egg, put her arm under it, and lay down comfortably.

One person and one egg lay quietly for a while.

Now change to the modern world time, which is around eight o'clock, Yu Chu didn't sleep, only rested with the little devil in his arms. She suddenly felt that her face was being rubbed, opened her eyes, and saw the devil sticking over.

It rubbed her face lightly, and the enchanting patterns on her body appeared and disappeared, looking gorgeous and beautiful.

"Don't make trouble," Yu Chu said helplessly, holding it tightly in his arms and calling its name, "Izel."

The demon was silent for a moment.

Yu Chu thought it was useful to call a name, and the other party was quiet. But the next second, the dark red egg struggled coldly and got out of her arms.

Yu Chu was stunned and frowned: "Izel?"

The dark red egg stood up, and a gap split open in the middle. In Yu Chu's astonished eyes, the whole egg was separated like the angel before.

Yu Chu stared at it blankly.

An equally fair little hand stretched out from the eggshell and lifted the upper half of the eggshell, revealing a delicate little face from the inside.

The black shattered, a pair of long and narrow dark red pupils, the demon lazily stretched out his bat wings, he was wearing a delicately tailored black noble outfit, and a red gemstone was inlaid on the neckline, reflecting his eyes.

Lying on the edge of the eggshell, he blinked his thick curled eyelashes and stared at her: "Did he tell you?"

He was referring, of course, to Samuel. Yu Chu was startled for a moment, then shook his head: "He only said his name, and I know you when I remember the legend."

The little devil tilted his head slightly to look at her, and then nodded slowly, the bat wings folded lazily, and his small body climbed out of the eggshell, then came straight towards her, and climbed straight into her arms and nested inside. .

Yu Chu was hugged by him, stunned for a while, and then hugged him back, "Can you leave the eggshell?"

"I'll go back later." The little devil narrowed his long and narrow eyes, rubbed his tender white face against her neck, and warned, "In the future, I can only tell you about me personally, and you are not allowed to hear it from others. "

Yu Chu: "..."

She didn't expect the devil to have such a temper, so she raised her eyebrows and said, "I can't control others. If someone happened to say something about you, what if I overheard it?"

Izel turned his face to the side, his dark red and bewitching eyes stared at her quietly, raised his red lips, and sneered: "Then kill that person. I guarantee that he died miserably."

Yu Chu: "..."

Is it so unreasonable? !

As expected of a devil...

She was still shocked by the arrogance and willfulness of the little devil. The other party suddenly frowned again, stared at her, and ordered in a dissatisfied tone: "Hold tighter."

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