100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1623 Angels and Demons (23)


The angel stood on tiptoe, pushed her hand away, and asked her to hug the devil, "It will be tiring to hold with one hand."

He silently held the corner of the girl's clothes with his small hands, raised his face shyly and showed a small smile, "I'll just hold you, let's go."

Yu Chu softened his heart for a moment, raised his hand to rub his broken pieces, and hugged the demon with both hands.

Samuel took the corner of her clothes and followed her obediently. His icy blue eyes looked at the dark red egg quietly, and a hint of envy appeared in his clear eyes.

He pursed his lips and lowered his head, holding the corner of the girl's clothes, and lowered his eyelashes a little.

Yu Chu asked, "Can you leave the eggshell?"

The angel murmured blankly and looked up at her. Hearing this question, he remembered something, so he shook his head embarrassedly, ran back and bent over to pick up the eggshell, folded it, and dragged it back.

He dragged the eggshell with one small hand, and the other hand pulled the girl's clothes, Yu Chu couldn't help laughing: "You will be tired too, don't hold me, just hold the eggshell."

The little angel who was dragging the eggshell was stunned for a moment, stood there ignorantly, and pursed his lips. He lowered his ice-silver eyelashes, looked at the eggshell, and remained silent.

The girl stepped forward.

You can't even pull the corners of your clothes.

The angel held the snow-white eggshell dejectedly and followed behind with his head down, his wings drooping slightly.

Yu Chu walked to the horse, wrapped the demon in the cloak, then stretched out his hand to him and said with a smile, "If you don't need to return the eggshell, I'll hold you?"

Samuel's eyes were slightly stunned, and his eyes were slightly bright and he nodded quickly. Yu Chu also put his eggshell into the cloak and was about to hug him, but the child pushed her again, "You get on the horse first, and I'll just fly up."

The voice was soft and childish.

With the previous experience, Yu Chu immediately understood what he meant, and it must be - would you be tired if you carried him on a horse? She couldn't help smiling, got on the horse according to her words, and then extended her hand to the little angel on the ground.

The angel spread its wings and plunged into her arms.

His little hand grabbed the girl's sleeve, he put his head on her neck, and finally showed a satisfied smile.

He rubbed his cheek against the girl's shoulder.

Yu Chu quickly realized that this child is really very sensible, not noisy or noisy, and can help.

Seeing her hugging the devil, he just followed her quietly, without any dissatisfaction.

Walked for a long time until noon.

Samuel flew down from her arms, Yu Chu got off the horse, tied the horse, and took out the little devil.

She was also worried about Angel's emotions at first.

Because demons are obviously jealous and self-willed, she thought that angels would also care about her old mother's partiality...

In front of Samuel, while she wanted to take care of the devil, she also tried to take care of him.

But the angels are so worry-free, and they don't seem to be jealous, so after Yu Chu was relieved, he relaxed and was no longer so scruples.

Raising two sons is really tiring. Not only do I want to take good care of them, but I also want them to be in a good mood.

Tsk, poor parents in the world.

Yu Chu walked forward with the devil in his arms, preparing to find a big tree to rest, and catch a pheasant by the way.

I ate sweets all the time yesterday, and it was a bit too greasy.

After settling the demon, she turned her head and started picking up firewood to make a fire. Samuel sat beside him, with his elbows on his knees, his little hands resting on his cheeks, and his blue eyes watching the slowly rising fire. .


ps (not counting) thank you for the reward... Okay, stop now, from today to Sunday, it will be more than six, and I can't add more, so you can keep your own money. Thank you to the big guys for rewarding the recommended monthly ticket. In the new year, I wish everyone can finish their homework, good night

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