100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1625 Angels and Demons (25)


He didn't kiss the girl's lips, just gently rubbed the corners of his lips and kissed on the cheek, as if he wanted her to smile again.

And the angel's kiss really has the effect of making people feel happy. Yu Chu felt that the cute and soft lips were rubbing against the lips, and the skin on the corners of the lips was crisp, she couldn't help laughing, and hugged him down. Rubbed his little face.

The angel was rubbed in the face obediently.

But the icy blue eyes quietly glanced at the girl's lips, showing a trace of confusion.

He didn't kiss there.

Just kiss on the cheek at the corner of the lips.

Suddenly I regret it. Because the corners of the lips touched the corners of her lips, the temperature there seemed to be warmer... It felt soft and warm.

Maybe kiss there?

The angel pursed his lips, and his white and tender face was rubbed. He raised his small hand and hugged the girl's neck.

But at this time, the angel was too embarrassed to kiss again.

... next time, next time he kisses there.

While thinking about it, Samuel patted the snow-white wings and shyly buried it on the girl's shoulders.

The company of angels is always quiet. The day goes by in a hurry, the sunset rays gather, and night falls.

Samuel tiptoed out his eggshell.

He hugged the eggshell, paused, turned to look at the girl, and wanted to ask her if she could hug him at night, but he hesitated before he spoke.

He stared down at the tips of his feathers.

He has been with him for the whole day, if he asks again, he is not very sensible.

Thinking like this, he silently put the eggshell away, put away his wings and climbed in, raising his eyes and smiling at the girl.

The angel's sweet smile healed people's hearts, and Yu Chu smiled back, watching him put away his wings and close the snow-white eggshell with his little hands, and the cracks disappeared.

The snow-white egg rolled back softly and softly, next to her leg, swayed sleepily, and became quiet.

It fell asleep quickly.

Yu Chu propped his chin and stared at the fire, with an egg beside him, he fell asleep without moving.

When the last rays of the sunset disappeared, the dark red egg on the other side shook gently.

It had just woken up, and it turned around in a daze before finding out where its owner was, so it slammed its head over lazily and threw itself next to her leg.

Yu Chu turned to look at it, "Izel?"

Egg just woke up, next to her leg, seemed to be stunned for a while, and then stood up staggeringly.

Yu Chu looked amused, and couldn't help but ask it with a half-smile, "Izel, are you still awake?"

The egg didn't move.

After a few seconds, a gorgeous black pattern floated on its surface, and a crack was slightly divided from the middle.

Bai Nen's little hands lifted the eggshell.

The demon raised one hand, supported his fair chin with the other, and lay on the edge of the eggshell, looking at her with narrow eyes, "Huh? Do you miss me?"

He raised his red lips, two small white fangs touching the corners of his lips, looking a little evil and cute.

In the long and narrow eyes, the orange-red demon is strange.

Yu Chu laughed: "I haven't seen you for a day."

Izer narrowed his eyes and glanced at her, then raised his hand to completely lift the eggshell, stood up from the inside, and stretched out the dark bat wings lazily.

He stepped out of the eggshell and walked over coldly, with a dangerous tone, "That is to say, you didn't think about it?"

Yu Chu: "..."

She was threatened by this dangerous tone, so she immediately changed her tone and said, "No, I miss you very much."

This is really the complete opposite character!

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