100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1627 Angels and Demons (27)


Yu Chu noticed it, stopped in confusion, and wanted to hug him from his shoulders, "It's really... It hurts, why do you even want to be like him?"

However, the little devil hugged her shoulders tightly, refusing to be seen by her, and the little hand wrapped tightly around the girl's neck, "You can touch it."

Yu Chu: "..."

Isn't she perverted and insisting on torturing him, will he continue to be in pain? The wings are not long enough to be strong.

She reluctantly patted the little devil on the back, "Okay, don't be self-willed, be good."

The devil hugged her and pursed his lips and said, "Good? I can't learn it." He stepped back a little, and in his long and narrow eyes, the strange light was looming, and there was a vague sense of grievance.

Yu Chu was silent for a while, and had no choice but to say, "I only touched Samuel once, and you are already the same."

The demon blinked and curled his eyelashes, looked at her with his head tilted for a few seconds, and then raised his eyebrows slightly: "Really?"

The girl nodded quickly.

God, this uncle is really hard to serve.

Izer glanced at her, finally put away the beautiful bat wings, comfortably nestled into her arms again, and warned again: "I want to be the same as him, you must remember this, don't lie to me."

"I won't lie to you, I won't lie to you." Yu Chu said immediately.

The child in his arms was quiet for a few minutes, and then raised his body again, with the bat wings hanging behind him, he pointed to his white and tender face and said, "Kiss me too."

Yu Chu was amused, lowered his head and kissed him on the cheek.

Izel looked at her with her beautiful and narrow pupils, and still snorted coldly, but her tender and red lips curled up, showing a vague sense of joy.

"In the future, before I wake up, you have to hug me." He patted the gorgeous bat wing lazily, his voice was tender but provocative, "After I wake up, say you miss me."

Yu Chu: "...Why are you so troublesome?"

God, she began to miss the quiet and well-behaved little angel. This demon is too bearish.

Izel was slightly startled, turned his face to the side, and stared at her quietly, "Do you think I'm troublesome?"

Yu Chu was silent, thinking about whether this sentence was too hurtful, so he was about to shake his head, but the little devil in his arms raised his lips and showed a sinister smile.

The snow-white little fangs are soft and cute, but his tone is threatening: "You have to be nice to me, or I will abandon you and find another master."

Yu Chu couldn't help but be stunned.

——Although she always regarded herself as an old mother, when she heard this sentence, she immediately replied naively like a child: "I have Samuel, do you think you need you very much? If you want to go, go now. "

As he spoke, he pushed the person out of his arms.

The corner of the devil's lips wickedly stopped for a moment, his curly black eyelashes like a crow's feather trembled slightly, and his dark red lips pursed up, staring at her.

"Do you think I dare not go?" He said coldly, but his narrow eyes looked at her without blinking.

"Go." The girl raised her eyebrows childishly.

The little devil took a step back and stared at her for a while, but turned around coldly and spread out his bat wings.

"Bring your eggshell." The girl reminded.

The little devil's back stiffened, stood there for a long time, and finally grabbed the eggshell viciously.

He actually left.

Yu Chu frowned, but after thinking about it, nothing in the forest could hurt him, so he simply fought coldly first, after all, this child is really too bearish.

The fire crackled.

The forest returned to silence.

In the distance, under a tree in the dark.

The eggshell was thrown aside, and the little devil stood under the tree, looking in the warm direction of the fire, and finally lowered his eyelashes slightly with a cold expression.

But this indifference turned into grievance little by little. He crouched down beside the eggshell, touched the dark red eggshell with his little hand, and said in a low voice, "It's all your fault, not as white as that guy, Not flattering at all... you're more annoying than summer."

Eggshell will naturally not answer.

The little devil's eyelashes twitched slightly, and the bat wing quietly wrapped his little body. His white and tender hand plucked the eggshell, and his eyes were slightly red.

"She doesn't like demons."

He muttered to himself, wrapping his knees around him, a little dazed, "She doesn't want me anymore."

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